Itamar Ben-Gvir and the Attorney General exchange harsh accusations over Meir Suissa's promotion

National Security Minister Ben-Gvir disputes the Attorney General’s office over Superintendent Suissa’s promotion, amid legal challenges and contradictions.

 Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai and Abshalom Peled at the time of his appointment as Commissioner  (photo credit: ALON HACHMON)
Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai and Abshalom Peled at the time of his appointment as Commissioner
(photo credit: ALON HACHMON)

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir accused the Attorney General’s office after the prosecution informed the court on behalf of the minister that no recommendation for Superintendent Meir Suissa’s promotion was received.

After the prosecution informed the court on behalf of Ben-Gvir that no recommendation for Suissa's promotion had ever been received, the minister told the court that the prosecution's statement was incorrect.

Following the statement, the Jerusalem District Attorney, supported by Dr. Gil Limon from the Attorney General's office, claimed before the court that Ben-Gvir's statement was inadmissible and he had no authority to represent himself.

Earlier this month, senior lawyers filed a petition against the appointment of Superintendent Suissa as the commander of the South Tel Aviv station. The petition, submitted by attorneys Yaakov Enoch and Ami Asnat from the Piran law firm, claims that Suissa, who has used stun grenades against protesters in the past, faces complaints regarding violent and systematic behavior, contrary to orders, involving the use of life-threatening weapons.

 Gali Baharav Miara (credit: Yonatan Zindel/Flash90)
Gali Baharav Miara (credit: Yonatan Zindel/Flash90)

The petitioners, attorneys Yossi Ashkenazi, Nadav Weisman, Tami Piran-Samorodinski, Haim Ravia, Noga Rubinstein, Nimrod Rosenblum, and Yair Geva, argued in the petition that "both formal and substantive flaws taint the promotion of the officer under these circumstances" and constitutes a violation of police orders, and therefore the promotion should be annulled.

Indictment against Superintendent Meir Suissa

In their response to the court on Sunday, the attorneys noted they welcomed the state's announcement noting no decision was made to promote Superintendent Suissa in rank or position, stating, "This achieves the petition's goal, which sought to halt the appointment and promotion of Superintendent Suissa under the severe circumstances described in the petition."

The attorneys noted that "it is hard not to raise an eyebrow at the prosecution's statement, considering its timing after the filing of the indictment, as well as the fact that reports about his promotion and appointment as station commander were published in various media channels detailing the Police Commissioner's recommendation and the minister's approval without any denial from them, effectively indicating that the source of the publication was indeed them."

The attorneys added that they agree to withdraw the petition but request the court to consider ordering the state to cover the costs and to inform them before any decision is made regarding the promotion of Superintendent Suissa, as long as the stun grenade procedure and the investigation of the complaints by the Police Internal Investigations Department (PID) are not concluded.

Attorney Yaakov Enoch, the petitioners' representative, responded: "The contradiction between Ben-Gvir's position and the prosecution's position is nothing short of astonishing. Clearly, this supports our claims regarding the invalidity of the attempt to promote the officer and even adds new and serious claims. We will await the revised position to be submitted and will do everything we can to prevent the discussed promotion."