Dogs, IDF trackers, and police participate in search for missing girl Haymanot Kasau

The Israel Dog Unit aids the IDF and police in the search for 10-year-old Haymanot Kasau, missing since February. Despite extensive efforts, the mission to find her continues.

 An IDF soldier from the Oketz Canine Unit trains her dog to find people trapped under rubble, near a military base close to Ashkelon.  (photo credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS)
An IDF soldier from the Oketz Canine Unit trains her dog to find people trapped under rubble, near a military base close to Ashkelon.
(photo credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS)

Israel’s Dog Unit (IDU) assisted the IDF and Israel Police in a search on Monday for the missing 10-year-old girl Haymanot Kasau, who was last seen in February.

Kasau, who immigrated with her family from Ethiopia to Israel and lived in the absorption center in Safed, was last seen on security footage that showed her at the entrance of the absorption center, wearing a pink sweatshirt, a black skirt, and white sneakers.

“We are not giving up – we are bringing Haymanot Kasau home,” said the unit on Facebook.

Soldiers in the IDF's Oketz unit hugging a dog during a break, photo taken by Topaz Luk from the IDF spokesperson's unit (credit: WIKIMEDIA COMMONS/ISRAEL DEFENSE FORCES)
Soldiers in the IDF's Oketz unit hugging a dog during a break, photo taken by Topaz Luk from the IDF spokesperson's unit (credit: WIKIMEDIA COMMONS/ISRAEL DEFENSE FORCES)

“The mission is not yet complete, we are continuing to dedicate ourselves to it.”

Joining the search

The 500-meter radius around the area of Kasau’s disappearance was searched, said the IDU, who added that representatives from The Jewish Agency for Israel and volunteers from many other organizations also participated in the search.

The unit is a civilian group that assists with locating missing persons and provides security dogs, rescue dogs, and rehabilitation dogs.