Israel ranks fourth worldwide of countries most advanced in AI

Israel, making the cut to fall within the top five countries, landed in fourth place worldwide in AI advancement, according to the study.

  (photo credit: MICAH AVNI)
(photo credit: MICAH AVNI)

Israel has ranked fourth place in the top ten list of countries worldwide that are considered most advanced in artificial intelligence (AI), according to a recent study conducted by the company ZeroBounce.

The study placed ten countries on the list in the following order from 1 to 10: the United States, China, the United Kingdom, Israel, Canada, Germany, India, France, South Korea, and Singapore. 

In order to come up with the ranking, the study was said to have analyzed private investments made in the last decade, the number of AI-related start-ups, and workforce-related criteria such as the rate of AI specialists and related job postings.

Liviu Tanase, the founder and CEO of ZeroBounce, said that "these investments and developments will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of global technology.”

The United States most advanced in AI

The United States, which scored first place in AI advancement, was found to have made $335,2 billion in private investments over the last decade. Furthermore, the finding showed that 5,500 AI start-ups have been created in the US, and in 2024, people interested in AI can find 71,000 related vacancies.

 Artificial Intelligence words are seen in this illustration taken March 31, 2023 (credit: DADO RUVIC/REUTERS)
Artificial Intelligence words are seen in this illustration taken March 31, 2023 (credit: DADO RUVIC/REUTERS)

China, scoring second place in the ranking, was shown to advance AI most rapidly. It had $103.5 billion in investments, three times less than the US. However, the study noted that while there are fewer AI-related start-ups and vacancies in China, there are more AI specialists in the general workforce, 0.64% of all people working in China.

The United Kingdom came in third place, with $22.2 billion in AI investments. In 2023, the investments totaled $3.78 billion, one-sixth of the country's investment for the last decade. Compared to India, the UK founded twice as few start-ups, totaling 727, the study said.

Israel comes in 4th place worldwide

Israel, making the cut to fall within the top five countries, landed in fourth place worldwide in AI advancement, according to the study.

Israel has spent $12.83 billion on AI innovations. 442 start-ups related to artificial intelligence were founded in the country, almost 300 less than in the UK, but Israel has the highest concentration of AI talent compared to the total workforce with 1.13%, the study noted.

Canada ranked not far behind Israel in fifth place and has made $10.35 billion in private investments. In 2023, Canada spent a little more on AI than Israel, $1.61 billion. In total, AI-related job postings in Canada make up 1.05% of all vacancies, the third-highest rate in the ranking.

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The last five countries

Germany ranked sixth place with an investment of  $10.35 billion into AI technologies. In the last year, Germany was more active with AI investments than Canada or Israel, spending $1.91 billion.

India ranked seventh place, with AI investments adding up to $9.85 billion over the last decade. 

France received an eighth-place ranking and invested $8.31 billion in the AI industry. The study also highlighted that France spent more money on AI in the last year and has more AI start-ups than India, but it is still over a billion dollars behind.

South Korea ranked ninth, with private investors putting $7.25 billion towards AI technologies. According to the study, currently, South Korea has the smallest number of open vacancies in the top 10, but the country still spent over $1.3 billion on future advancements.

Lastly, Singapore was ranked in tenth place with an investment of $6.25 billion. This is a number that is 50 times less than the figure in the United States.