IDF maps for destruction West Bank home of terrorist who killed Gideon Peri

The forces also found the vehicle that the terrorist used to flee the scene.

 IDF troops map out the West Bank home of the terrorist who carried out the attack near Kedumim on August 19, 2024.  (photo credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
IDF troops map out the West Bank home of the terrorist who carried out the attack near Kedumim on August 19, 2024.

IDF troops operated in the Baqa village in the West Bank and mapped for destruction the home of the terrorist who carried out the terror attack at the Bar-On industrial zone near Kedumim in the West Bank in which Gideon Peri was killed, the military said on Monday.

The forces also found the vehicle that the terrorist used to flee the scene.

 The M16 rifle found by the troops. August 19, 2024.  (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
The M16 rifle found by the troops. August 19, 2024. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)

Forces arrest wanted persons 

Overnight, the forces arrested nine more wanted persons in the West Bank. In Hebron, the forces arrested two suspects and confiscated an M16 rifle.

In Ramallah, IDF troops arrested a female suspect who incited terrorism, and an additional wanted person was arrested in Nablus.