Israeli government approves Ben-Gvir's police chief appointment Danny Levi

NGOs petitioned for the appointment while calling out Levi's track record.

Newly appointed Police Commissioner Daniel Levi at a ceremony of new appointments and ranks of the Israeli police, at the Ministry of National Security in Jerusalem, on July 4, 2023.  (photo credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)
Newly appointed Police Commissioner Daniel Levi at a ceremony of new appointments and ranks of the Israeli police, at the Ministry of National Security in Jerusalem, on July 4, 2023.
(photo credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)

The government unanimously approved the appointment of Israel Police District Asst.-Ch, Daniel (Danny) Levi, as Police Commissioner Sunday.

Levi joined Israel Police in 1985, and filled a series of senior positions including commander of the South Tel Aviv station, Deputy commander of the Jerusalem District, and commander of the Coast District.

"Under my command, the Israel Police will work to strengthen the governance and sovereignty in the state, will fight anyone who tries to hurt and disrupt the rule of law, and will make sure the law is enforced for every citizen equally, while maintaining professionalism, determination, integrity, and public service," Levi said. 

"Danny is coming in with a Zionist and Jewish agenda, and he will lead the police in accordance with the policy I have set for him," said National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir.

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, ministers, travel to Temple Mount on Tisha B'av 2024. (credit: ARNON SEGAL)
National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, ministers, travel to Temple Mount on Tisha B'av 2024. (credit: ARNON SEGAL)

This includes strengthening police stations, founding the national guard and running it, and mainly - increasing the governance and sovereignty in The State of Israel, he said.

"This is an important day for The State of Israel, Danny Levi is the 20th Police Commissioner of the Israel Police, this is wonderful and important news for the state."

Just after he entered the position, Levi went to the Kotel to pray for his success in guarding and defending the peace and safety of all residents of Israel along with the Rabbi of the Kotel and Holy places, the Western Wall Heritage Foundation said.

Controversy surrounding appointment 

The appointment of Levi is seen as controversial by some who say he will not maintain Israel Police's independence because of his working relationship with Ben-Gvir. Others are concerned about his track record. 

The Coast District, which Levi commanded in his last position, includes the Hadera station which has been accused of intense police violence against protesters during Levi's command of the district.

The Knesset National Security Committee met in May to discuss the conduct of Israel Police’s Hadera station officers at protests in Caesarea and “the continuing violation of the right to protest and the right of those arrested,” the committee said.

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The Movement for Quality Government in Israel petitioned the High Court on Monday asking them to cancel Levi's appointment. The movement pointed to the fact that Levi is the least experienced among Israel Police's top command and said that there has been a sharp increase in crime under his command in his position as Coast District Commander.

The movement also expressed concern about what they called Levi's lack of independence and willingness to fulfill the wishes of Ben-Gvir.

"The appointment of Daniel Levy to the position of commissioner is nothing less than a disaster for Israeli democracy. His conduct proves beyond any doubt that he is unable to withstand political pressure and defend the independence of the police," said Dr. Eliad Shraga, chair of the Movement for Quality Government in Israel.

"The strong arm used by Levi towards protesters, his blind loyalty to the criminal minister Ben-Gvir and his pathetic record lowering crime in the Coast District show that the police is continuing down the slippery slope towards becoming the political militia of a criminal minister," said Yaniv Segal, an organizer with protest organization The Pink Front.

Levy said that he will refuse to commit to obeying all the instructions of the Attorney-General, N12 reported.

Alon Hochmon contributed to this report.