Gilad Erdan takes helm as global president of Magen David Adom, enhancing emergency response

Gilad Erdan, former UN ambassador, has been appointed to lead Magen David Adom's emergency response efforts, as well as international awareness campaigns.

 Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan at the Jerusalem Post Annual Conference in New York, June 3, 2024 (photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM)
Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan at the Jerusalem Post Annual Conference in New York, June 3, 2024
(photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM)

Israel's outgoing Ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, has been appointed as global president of Magen David Adom (MDA), the organization reported on Tuesday night.

One of Israel’s staunchest defenders on the international stage, Erdan will advance the organization's emergency and blood services in his new position. He will employ his expertise to ensure MDA is prepared for future challenges.

Erdan will also raise awareness of MDA’s work internationally at global events.

Erdan, who recently started his new role, previously served as Israel's ambassador to the UN for four years. There, he was known for vigorously defending Israel. Before that, he was Israel's home front defense minister and a member of the Security Cabinet, where he led significant reforms.

After the October 7 Hamas attacks, Erdan became a leading voice for the victims and for Israel's right to defend itself. At the UN, he helped pass a resolution against Holocaust denial, marking only the second time an Israeli-led resolution was approved, and also served as vice president of the General Assembly.

 Magen David Adom paramedics attend the scene of a stabbing attack in Holon, August 4, 2024. (credit: MAGEN DAVID ADOM)
Magen David Adom paramedics attend the scene of a stabbing attack in Holon, August 4, 2024. (credit: MAGEN DAVID ADOM)

From January to November 2021, Erdan was also Israel’s ambassador to the United States. He stated, “Magen David Adom is the backbone of Israel’s resilience.” He added, “The IDF is charged with protecting the borders. Magen David Adom protects the people inside those borders, including wounded soldiers.”

Role crucial with new ambassador

“The State of Israel is facing unprecedented challenges, and this puts millions of Israeli citizens in imminent danger,” stated the organization in the press release, adding, “Magen David Adom plays a key role in strengthening the national resilience in the face of attacks by Hezbollah and Iran, as well as the threat of a regional war. The immediate result of a better prepared Magen David Adom is even greater protection for the citizens of Israel."

“We are honored and excited to welcome Ambassador Erdan to this key role,” said Catherine Reed, CEO of American Friends of Magen David Adom. “His vast experience as an advocate for Israel will be critical in promoting MDA’s lifesaving work.”

About MDA

Magen David Adom is Israel’s leading emergency services system, recognized for its expertise in mass-casualty response and advanced EMS technology. As a nonprofit organization with 32,000 active volunteers, MDA provides crucial pre-hospital treatment and transports over one million patients to hospitals each year.

It also manages nearly all of Israel’s blood supply, from collection and safety testing to distribution. In addition to its domestic responsibilities, MDA responds to international disasters through its affiliation with the Red Cross movement.