Natan Sharansky appointed chair of Rabbi Sacks Legacy Global Advisory Board

Natan Sharansky has been named chair of The Rabbi Sacks Legacy's Global Advisory Board, highlighting Sacks' enduring influence on Jewish identity.

 Natan Sharansky. (photo credit: Creative Image / The Rabbi Sacks Legacy)
Natan Sharansky.
(photo credit: Creative Image / The Rabbi Sacks Legacy)

Natan Sharansky has been appointed chair of the Global Advisory Board of The Rabbi Sacks Legacy, announced during a packed event at the Moise Safra Center in New York. The event marked the 20th anniversary edition of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks' book, A Letter in the Scroll.

In his remarks, Sharansky emphasized the ongoing relevance of Rabbi Sacks’ teachings. "Rabbi Sacks was a moral lighthouse, and his light is needed more than ever in these dark times," he said, underscoring his commitment to ensuring Sacks' message reaches global audiences.

Natan Sharansky speaks during Rabbi Sacks Legacy meeting. (credit: Creative Image / The Rabbi Sacks Legacy)
Natan Sharansky speaks during Rabbi Sacks Legacy meeting. (credit: Creative Image / The Rabbi Sacks Legacy)

Sharansky, a prominent leader in the Jewish world and former Soviet dissident, shares a deep connection with Rabbi Sacks, making him a fitting leader for this initiative. 

Impact on Jewish identity

The event featured a panel including Sharansky, Michal Cotler-Wunsh, Dan Senor, and Rabbi David Ingber, exploring the enduring impact of Sacks' work on Jewish identity and the fight against antisemitism.

Sharansky also contributed the foreword to the new edition of A Letter in the Scroll, where he reflected, “We feel Rabbi Sacks’ loss keenly, but are grateful that he left us his precious words... inviting us to be everything that we can be.”

The Rabbi Sacks Legacy was established following his passing in 2020, aiming to perpetuate his teachings and moral guidance.