LGBTQ+ are 'disgusting,' says incoming Police Chief Daniel Levi in a recording published by N12

Israel's incoming Police Commissioner, Daniel Levi, faces backlash after N12 exposed his homophobic remarks, sparking outrage from LGBTQ+ advocates.

 Israeli Chief of Police Daniel Levi near the scene of a stabbing attack in Jerusalem's Old City on September 15, 2024.  (photo credit: Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)
Israeli Chief of Police Daniel Levi near the scene of a stabbing attack in Jerusalem's Old City on September 15, 2024.
(photo credit: Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)

Israel’s incoming Police Commissioner, Daniel Levi, is under fire after N12 exposed homophobic remarks from earlier this year on Sunday.

Levi, who was serving as Coastal District commander at the time, was recorded saying, “I can’t stand seeing two guys walking hand in hand on the street; it’s disgusting.” His comments have ignited a wave of public outcry, especially from LGBTQ+ advocacy groups.

During the conversation, Levi also confronted a visitor at a meeting, commenting, “What are these tight pants? Don’t tell me you’re part of the community now." When the visitor clarified that he was not part of the LGBTQ+ community, Levi responded, “Are you sure? Not that I care; I have nothing personal against them, but it disgusts me.”

The N12 report further detailed allegations from a former Coastal District officer, who claimed that Levi’s spokesman, Aryeh Doron, frequently used homophobic slurs in the workplace.

The officer recounted, “Every other sentence ended with ‘Do what I tell you, you gay,’” and added that such behavior was tolerated because of Levi’s backing.

Police officers are seen with an activist at Jerusalem's Gay Pride Parade, on June 3, 2021. (credit: POLICE SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
Police officers are seen with an activist at Jerusalem's Gay Pride Parade, on June 3, 2021. (credit: POLICE SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)

In response to the revelations, the Israel Police issued a statement defending Levi’s relationship with the LGBTQ+ community, stating that the Commissioner had “maintained excellent working relations with LGBTQ+ leaders” and had worked to strengthen ties between the police and the community.

The Association for LGBTQ+'s reaction

However, LGBTQ+ advocacy groups were not satisfied. The Association for LGBTQ+ Rights, in a statement to N12, said: “The shocking remarks by the incoming Commissioner have no place in the police force or any institution tasked with ensuring the safety of LGBTQ+ community members.”

Na’amat Chairwoman Hagit Peer added: “If this is what the police commissioner thinks about gay people, then he should disgust all of us. The police don’t belong to him, not to his mother, and not to his minister. He should remember that.”

Police response

The Israeli Police released a statement condemning the article on X/Twitter Monday evening.

אנו מגנים את הכתבה המגמתית שפורסמה אתמול בערוץ 12, שנועדה לייצר מצג שווא הפוגע בחברי הקהילה ובארגון, בהתבסס על גורמים עלומים בעלי אינטרס. מאז ומתמיד בשלל תפקידיו, פעל המפכ"ל לקידום סוגיות הנוגעות לחיזוק הקשר ושיתוף הפעולה עם כלל הגורמים בקהילה למתן שירותי משטרה מיטביים עפ"י צרכי…

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— משטרת ישראל (@IL_police) September 16, 2024