What if Joseph Trumpeldor could honor the heroes of Ofakim?  

For generations, bravery and sacrifices for the sake of Israel have been recognized in the Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF) Books of Honor.

 AI generated image of Israeli soldiers. (photo credit: JERUSALEM POST STAFF)
AI generated image of Israeli soldiers.
(photo credit: JERUSALEM POST STAFF)

Imagine if Joseph Trumpeldor, the legendary Zionist hero, could honor the brave individuals who defended Ofakim on October 7, 2023. If the figures who built the State of Israel were alive today, they would be devastated by the horrors of that day, marked by unimaginable terror and loss. Yet, they would also be proud of the courage and selflessness displayed by modern-day heroes—those who, like Trumpeldor, stood up to protect their homeland.

For generations, such bravery and sacrifices for the sake of Israel have been recognized in the Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF) Books of Honor. These books are more than just a list of names; they are a historical record and a living testament to the unbroken chain of dedication and sacrifice that has sustained Israel through its most challenging times. For decades, people worldwide have marked important occasions by donating to KKL-JNF or honoring heroes like Trumpeldor. Today, the names of those who continue to contribute to the nation's strength and resilience are inscribed alongside those of the early pioneers, ensuring that their legacy endures.

Pay tribute to your heroes. Inscribe their names in the Golden Book of Honor>>

Consider Trumpeldor, whose bravery at the Battle of Tel Hai made him a national icon. His legacy is one of steadfast determination and sacrifice for the Zionist cause. His famous last words, "It is good to die for our country," have inspired generations of Israelis to defend their homeland with the same unwavering resolve.

On October 7, 2023, another figure faced adversity with similar courage—Rabbi Shachar Butzchak, a community rabbi in Ofakim. Awakened by the sounds of sirens and continuous rocket fire on Simchat Torah morning, Rabbi Butzchak immediately grasped the gravity of the situation. Realizing this was no ordinary attack, he broke with holiday protocol, turned on his phone, and quickly mobilized, joining forces with soldier Nehorai Said and a Shin Bet security guard.

Pay tribute to your heroes. Inscribe their names in the Golden Book of Honor>>

When they encountered a group of terrorists, a fierce firefight ensued. Tragically, Said was killed, and Rabbi Butzchak was injured. Yet, despite his wounds, Rabbi Butzchak maintained his composure, communicating with his community and the security team and even organizing his evacuation to the hospital.

Though separated by over a century, Trumpeldor and Rabbi Butzchak share a common thread of courage, leadership, and a deep sense of responsibility toward their community and nation. Both men embody the qualities that have shaped Israel's history: the willingness to face danger, the instinct to protect others, and the unshakeable belief in the rightness of their cause.

Pay tribute to your heroes. Inscribe their names in the Golden Book of Honor>>

Similarly, the actions of other contemporary heroes on that fateful day echo the deeds of Israel's founding figures. These modern-day defenders, whether soldiers, first responders, or ordinary citizens, carry forward the legacy of the early pioneers, who built the state with their hands and defended it with their lives.

Each of us today has once again the opportunity to pay tribute to the heroes of October 7, inscribing their names in the Golden Book of Honor. 

Just as we honor the contributions of those who came before us, recognizing the sacrifices of today's heroes is essential. They are the latest chapter in Israel's ongoing story, connecting us to our past and guiding us toward the future. Through their bravery and dedication, they ensure that the values upon which Israel was founded continue to thrive, reminding us that we are part of a larger, enduring narrative. This recognition, formalized in places like the KKL-JNF Book of Honors, keeps the spirit of Trumpeldor and his successors alive, ensuring that their legacy is never forgotten.

This article was written in cooperation with KKL-JNF.