Amid war: Afeka college holds third hackathon on emergency medical care

The college, of which 42% of its students serve in the military, emphasized the importance of the event amid the Israel-Hamas War. 

 The winners of the third annual hackathon at The Afeka Academic College of Engineering in Tel Aviv held in conjunction with Magen David Adom. September 17, 2024.  (photo credit: Afeka College of Engineering)
The winners of the third annual hackathon at The Afeka Academic College of Engineering in Tel Aviv held in conjunction with Magen David Adom. September 17, 2024.
(photo credit: Afeka College of Engineering)

The Afeka Academic College of Engineering in Tel Aviv held its third hackathon, dubbed "MDAthon," in collaboration with Magen David Adom (MDA), aimed at developing technologies to improve medical services, the college said on Tuesday. 

The college, of which 42% of its students serve in the military, emphasized the importance of the event which focused on emergency medical assistance amid the Israel-Hamas War

At the end of the 24-hour event, three winners were announced, with the first place being claimed by a team that had developed an AI-generated platform aimed at lessening a patient's treatment time.

Polina Aliyev, who was part of the winning team, spoke of her experience in the hackathon. “Participating in the hackathon was incredible for me and my team,” she affirmed, adding, “We worked non-stop for 24 hours, which really pushed us to think creatively and collaborate under pressure. 

"Winning was the cherry on top of an already amazing journey. It not only validated our hard work but also showed us the power of teamwork and innovation. I believe it was also a fantastic opportunity for team bonding, strengthening our relationships, and enhancing our collaborative spirit. We’re thrilled and grateful for the chance to showcase our skills and make a meaningful impact," she asserted. 

  Students participating in the hackathon gather in front of an MDA ambulance. September 17, 2024. (credit: Afeka College of Engineering)
Students participating in the hackathon gather in front of an MDA ambulance. September 17, 2024. (credit: Afeka College of Engineering)

The college said that the team that came in second place developed a "smart bandaid," geared at aiding to ward off sepsis, or when the body does not respond to infection as it should. The bandaid can identify an infection by analyzing the pH levels of the patient. 

The third place was awarded to a team that developed a drone that can transfer medical equipment over distances. 

'Leaders and innovators'

Dr. Rotem Weizman, a judge on the panel, which comprised of Afeka faculty members and MDA volunteers, said, "Seeing students gather with the shared goal of improving emergency medical care and the energy they invested in this mission made for an uplifting event. Mentors sat for hours with the groups to help them refine their technologies, and we saw an amazing improvement in their final product as a result."

“The demand for skilled engineers has never been greater, especially during these critical times,” Prof. Ami Moyal, President of Afeka College, noted regarding the event. 

He further stated, “The MDAthon is just one example of how Afeka’s unique competency-based engineering education focuses on providing our students with all the knowledge, professional and personal skills they need through experiential learning both in and out of the classroom. Our students will be the leaders and innovators that drive future success, will drive our economy, and ensure Israel’s continued success on the global stage.”