Why Israel’s most vulnerable children need our help now - opinion

Israel’s 6,500 vulnerable children, who face unparalleled challenges, need our support to thrive and contribute to a stronger, more resilient society.

 Israeli children going into 1st grade seen on the first day of school at the Gabrieli Carmel School in Tel Aviv on September 1, 2023. (photo credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI/FLASH90)
Israeli children going into 1st grade seen on the first day of school at the Gabrieli Carmel School in Tel Aviv on September 1, 2023.
(photo credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI/FLASH90)

Since October 7, we have witnessed an extraordinary mobilization of Israeli society – citizens, Jewish communities abroad, the business sector, and more. Everyone is helping and donating generously to the IDF, to those evacuated, and to those affected.

These actions are undoubtedly important and necessary in light of the difficult events we are experiencing, and they also uplift the spirit in the face of such solidarity. However, amidst all this mobilization, we must not forget the most vulnerable groups in our society – those who were vulnerable before October 7, and even more so today.

In Israel, there are approximately 6,500 children without family support, who are forced to face the greatest challenges in the country’s history alone, without support and without a family safety net. These are children who have been abandoned or harmed by their families, who have endured traumas and personal tragedies unimaginable to most.

They need our support no less than anyone else. What seems natural and obvious to a child growing up in a supportive family – birthday gifts, dreams fulfilled, trendy shoes, karate classes, or even just a listening ear in times of difficulty – is lacking for these children, and they need us now more than ever.

Since October 7, support funds have understandably been directed to other organizations and important causes, such as aid to IDF soldiers and to the families of evacuees and those affected.

 COUNSELORS POSE at Kfar Nardim, a therapeutic village that serves as a warm home for children and youth-at-risk, aged six-18. (credit: SOS - Children's Village)
COUNSELORS POSE at Kfar Nardim, a therapeutic village that serves as a warm home for children and youth-at-risk, aged six-18. (credit: SOS - Children's Village)

But we must remember that even children without family support need our help. Supporting organizations working to save these children can change their lives and provide them with the tools and resources they desperately need to grow and develop in a healthy and stable way.

Supporting these organizations means investing in the future of the most vulnerable children in our society. Donations can help add a variety of extracurricular activities, improve sports facilities, create music rooms, and provide them with everything a child in a regular family receives as a matter of course. This not only gives them a sense of security and belonging but also enables them to believe in themselves, develop their skills, and better cope with life’s challenges.

These children, who live without family support, need guidance and a supportive educational framework to help them cope with their difficult past and build a better future. Financial support will enable organizations to improve the services they provide and offer them a healthy and nurturing environment. This environment will provide them with essential life tools, a place where they can feel safe and belong.

The children are our future

The importance of supporting these organizations is not limited to the personal level of each child. When we donate, we invest in society as a whole. Children who grow up in supportive and nurturing frameworks become adults capable of giving back to society. They become active citizens, equipped with the skills and ability to cope with life’s challenges.

Our society is largely measured by our ability to care for the most vulnerable. When we extend a hand to these children, we are not only helping them grow and develop but also showing them they are not alone. We show them there is someone who cares for them and values them.

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The state is fighting precisely for these reasons – to support those in need. This is why Israel stands firm in its independence and right to exist: caring for the weak. By supporting the vulnerable, we help the IDF achieve its goal as well. When the home front is strong, the front line is resilient.

The writer is the CEO of the Israeli Association for SOS Children’s Villages.