As Israel’s north battles Hezbollah, KKL-JNF works under fire to protect forests and communities 

Hezbollah’s attacks are setting forests, fields, and communities on fire daily. Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael - Jewish National Fund is providing crucial staff, trucks and equipment. It needs support

  KKL-JNF Foresters  (photo credit: KKL)
KKL-JNF Foresters
(photo credit: KKL)

As the war escalates, so does the damage to the northern region of Israel. Fires are sweeping across the countryside, consuming vast land areas, threatening communities, and endangering local wildlife and flora. In the face of this devastation, the Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael - Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF) has stepped forward to provide critical assistance to firefighting teams battling the blazes.

The intense fighting and the hot summer months have exacerbated the fires in northern Israel, creating a volatile situation where any spark can ignite a new blaze. The proximity of many of these fires to residential areas and nature reserves makes the situation even more urgent.

KKL-JNF Foresters (Credit: KKL-JNF)
KKL-JNF Foresters (Credit: KKL-JNF)

Since the outbreak of the ongoing "Swords of Iron" conflict, approximately 150,000 dunams (37,000 acres) of land in the Golan Heights, Upper Galilee, and Lower Galilee have been scorched. Around 125,000 dunams (31,000 acres) are open spaces, including grazing lands, and approximately 25,000 dunams (6,000 acres) are forest areas under KKL-JNF management. These figures represent a dramatic rise in fire damage compared to past conflicts, including the Second Lebanon War, during which only 7,000 dunams (1,700 acres) were burned.

Just in the past 24 hours, missiles from Lebanon caused started several fires, with KKL-JNF fire brigades engaged in a race against time to estinguish. 

Israel's North is on fire. Help now >>

“Our foresters alongside and the Israel Fire and Rescue Services are forced to work under extremely difficult conditions, under the constant threat of both the fires and the rockets,” Shelli Ben Yishai, director of the Northern Region of KKL-JNF, said. “Despite the enormous challenges, we continue to work around the clock to protect our forests, the people of the North, and its unique environment.”  

KKL-JNF has long been committed to preserving Israel's natural landscapes and ensuring the safety of the country's forests and wildlife. In response to the current crisis, KKL-JNF has allocated a substantial assistance package to support firefighting efforts in northern Israel. This aid includes providing crucial firefighting equipment to communities along the northern border, where many fires have been most severe.

Nineteen communities that border KKL-JNF-managed forests will receive specialized support. These communities will benefit from an extensive package designed to bolster firefighting capabilities. Additionally, 36 communities adjacent to open spaces will receive essential firefighting resources. The goal is to protect both human lives and the natural environment that the fires heavily impact.

Israel's North is on fire. Help now >>

KKL-JNF provides fire trucks and deploys advanced firefighting tools and technology. Some communities will receive specialized firefighting ATVs, allowing first responders to quickly access and combat fires in challenging terrains. These vehicles are vital for navigating northern Israel's rugged landscapes and reaching fires in forests and open fields where conventional firetrucks may struggle to operate effectively.

KKL-JNF is working closely with Israel Fire and Rescue Services to tackle these devastating fires. This collaboration enables a rapid and coordinated response to new fire outbreaks, enhancing the overall effectiveness of firefighting operations.

A key part of this partnership is KKL-JNF's deployment of a cutting-edge command and control center, which utilizes advanced technology such as drones and high-resolution cameras. These tools provide real-time data and images of fire activity across vast distances, allowing for early detection of fires and swift mobilization of firefighting teams.

October 7 - A year later (Credit: KKL)
October 7 - A year later (Credit: KKL)

Yifat Ovadia Luski, Chairwoman of KKL-JNF, expressed deep gratitude for the brave firefighters and volunteers who are working tirelessly to contain the fires and protect communities. "We greatly appreciate and honor the firefighting teams who are working day and night to confront the numerous fires that pose a direct threat to the communities, as well as to the natural flora and fauna. The local emergency teams in these communities are also engaged in firefighting, often risking their lives."

KKL-JNF's efforts are not solely focused on firefighting; they also reflect a broader commitment to protecting Israel's natural resources. As the largest organization responsible for afforestation and land management in Israel, KKL-JNF's work combating fires is essential for preserving the country's unique ecological balance. The forests under KKL-JNF's care are not just green spaces but vital ecosystems that sustain diverse wildlife and contribute to the environmental health of the entire region.

Israel's North is on fire. Help now >>

Ovadia Luski emphasized the critical role KKL-JNF plays in these efforts: "The cooperation between Israel Fire and Rescue Services and KKL-JNF's firefighting teams enhances our ability to tackle the many fires that the war has brought upon us. KKL-JNF plays a central role in the tremendous efforts to extinguish the flames. Our workers are familiar with the terrain, and the collaboration with local emergency teams allows us to protect both the communities and the forests from the fires. Thanks to KKL-JNF's support, the firefighting teams are now equipped with essential equipment that helps prevent the spread of fires."

The fires ravaging northern Israel continue to pose a significant threat to both human lives and the environment. KKL-JNF's support for firefighting efforts is crucial, but the scale of the challenge requires more resources and ongoing assistance. You can make a difference by donating to KKL-JNF's fire relief efforts, ensuring that firefighters have the equipment and support they need to protect Israel's northern communities and forests.

In these times of crisis, every contribution counts. Join KKL-JNF in this critical mission to protect the land of Israel and its people from the devastating effects of these fires. Click here to donate.

This article was written in cooperation with KKL-JNF.