Likud soars to new high in polls after the humiliation of Hezbollah

Compared to the strengthening of the Likud, the National Unity party decreased by 2 seats, coming in at 19 - its lowest figure since the outbreak of the war.

 PRIME MINISTER Benjamin Netanyahu heads to a parliamentary faction meeting of his Likud Party, in the Knesset on Monday (photo credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)
PRIME MINISTER Benjamin Netanyahu heads to a parliamentary faction meeting of his Likud Party, in the Knesset on Monday
(photo credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)

Against the background of a series of severe blows inflicted on Hezbollah, the Likud party has made significant gains this week, achieving a record of 25 seats since the outbreak of the war on October 7, 2023 - almost a full year ago.

This is according to the a Maariv survey, conducted this week by "Lazar Research", led by Dr. Menachem Lazar in collaboration with Panel4All.

Compared to the strengthening of the Likud, the National Unity party decreased by 2 seats, coming in at 19 - its lowest figure since the outbreak of the war.

The coalition block strengthened this week by one seat, reaching 53 seats, compared to 57 seats for the current opposition, not including the Arab parties, which together received 10 seats.

The Maariv poll also showed this week that a party led by Naftali Bennett would reach 21 seats, primarily at the expense of the National Unity Party and Yisrael Beytenu. In terms of choice for prime minister, Bennett surpasses Benjamin Netanyahu with 43% support compared to 37%, which is the same figure obtained in the previous poll from September 12.

 Former PM Naftali Bennett Speaking at the Tel Aviv University Cyber Week Conference, June 24, 2024. (credit: TAU)
Former PM Naftali Bennett Speaking at the Tel Aviv University Cyber Week Conference, June 24, 2024. (credit: TAU)

In answer to the question, if new Knesset elections were held today, who would you vote for, the answers were: Likud 25 seats (24 in the previous poll), the National Unity 19 (21), Yesh Atid 15 (15), Yisrael Beytenu 14 (14), Shas 10 (9), Labor 9 (9), Otzma Yehudit 8 (8), Torah Judaism 6 (7), Hadash-Ta'al 6 (5), Ra'am 4 (4), Religious Zionism 4 (4). 

Naftali Bennett

In answer to the question: if the Knesset elections were held today, and a new party headed by Naftali Bennett was running and the other parties remained unchanged, which party would you vote for?

The answers were: a new party led by Naftali Bennett 21 seats (21 also in the previous poll), Likud 20 (20), National Unity12 (13), Yesh Atid 12 (11), Yisrael Beytenu 10 (11), Shas 9 (8 ), Otzma Yehudit 8 (8), Labor 7 (8), Torah Judaism 7 (7), Hadash-Ta'al 6 (5), Religious Zionism 4 (4), Ra'am 4 (4).

According to the poll, the Netanyahu coalition now has 48 seats compared to the 47 it had in last week's poll, while the opposition bloc together with Bennett has 62 seats this week, compared to 64 in the previous poll. The Arab parties received 10 seats, compared to 9 in the previous poll.

In the survey conducted on September 25-26, 501 respondents participated, constituting a representative sample of the adult population in the State of Israel from the age of 18 and older, including Jews and Arabs.