Memorial garden dedicated to Ruth Peretz, murdered by Hamas at Nova Music Festival

The memorial garden was dedicated to Ruth Peretz, honoring her life and special bond with her father, following their tragic deaths.

 Ruth Peretz and her father Arik at the Nova Music Festival prior to Hamas's attack on October 7 2023 (photo credit: according to Article 27 A of the Copyright Law, SOCIAL MEDIA)
Ruth Peretz and her father Arik at the Nova Music Festival prior to Hamas's attack on October 7 2023
(photo credit: according to Article 27 A of the Copyright Law, SOCIAL MEDIA)

A memorial garden was dedicated on Monday in honor of Ruth Peretz, who suffered from cerebral palsy and was murdered along with her father, Arik, during their time together at the Nova Music Festival party.

The garden is situated at her school’s gates, with Peretz’s classmates watering the newly planted garden and holding a ceremony in her memory with their teachers.

“Arik and [Peretz] just wanted to dance and enjoy themselves, but they were brutally murdered while embracing. Their bond was so special, and Arik wouldn’t allow her disability to stop [Peretz] from living life to the fullest. She was his entire world - the sun, the moon, and the stars - and he was her safe place, the person she trusted," said Ranen Khorani, principal of Akim Haifa's Gan Or school.

"Over the past year, we remembered and talked about [Peretz] in our lessons, at the pool practices she loved, and in many leisure activities. [Peretz] will always be with us," he further emphasized.

 A WOMAN ponders as she visits the scene of the October 7 Nova music festival massacre, last week. (credit: Israel Hadari/Flash90)
A WOMAN ponders as she visits the scene of the October 7 Nova music festival massacre, last week. (credit: Israel Hadari/Flash90)

"As a father of a daughter with disabilities who lives in a community residence, I can attest to the unique connection we, parents of special children, have with our special children. For me, the dedication of this memorial garden for [Peretz] is especially moving. I cannot imagine what Arik and [Peretz] went through from the moment the inhuman massacre began, but I am certain they are now together, embracing and watching over each other," added Tzvi, a member of Akim Haifa's board of directors, who took part in creating Peretz’s memorial garden.

Special bond with father

Ranena Twito, [Peretz]’s former teacher at Gan Or school, wrote a message for her: "Dear [Peretz], I had the privilege of teaching you in our class for two years and knowing you for almost ten years. You were a wise young girl, knowing what you loved and wanted, always wrapped in the endless love of your father, Arik. I visited you at home, where it was clear you were loved. The swing, the TV, your dolls - all there to surround you with things that brought you joy."

She added: "I remember your desire for a hug when you were scared of loud noises, and I can only imagine how afraid you must have been in those final terrifying moments, with no one to hold you. Everyone could see the special bond that only you and Arik shared. [Peretz] knew what she wanted - she knew how to ask for a drink, to sleep, to cover up, to go for a walk, she knew how to say no and stand her ground. I remember little [Peretz] hand grasping my fingers, and it moved me - a small child who just wanted to be loved. We wish strength and comfort to Yamit, Yaarit, and Elinor in this difficult time. We will miss you, [Peretz]."