'No young man will go to the army': Senior rabbi dissuades yeshiva students from IDF service

This follows rulings made by a number of top rabbis from different ultra-Orthodox groups in July that IDF service was prohibited.

 Rabbi Dov Lando seen during a meeting to discuss the drafting of Ultra orthodox jews to the IDF in the Ultra orthodox city of Bnei Brak, April 5, 2024. (photo credit: SHLOMI COHEN/FLASH90)
Rabbi Dov Lando seen during a meeting to discuss the drafting of Ultra orthodox jews to the IDF in the Ultra orthodox city of Bnei Brak, April 5, 2024.
(photo credit: SHLOMI COHEN/FLASH90)

Rabbi Dov Lando, head of the Slabodka yeshiva and a leading figure in the Lithuanian-Asheknazic ultra-Orthodox community, dissuaded ultra-Orthodox youth from drafting to the IDF in a speech to yeshiva students and was quoted by the newspaper Yated Ne'eman,  which is affiliated with the Degel Hatorah political faction, on Wednesday. 

Lando said, "I want to add something that is clear to everyone: we know very well that no member of the yeshiva, no member of the Jewish community, will go to the army under no circumstances."

"No young man will go to the army. I say these simple things, but they have to be said; no one is going. They are not going."

Top rabbis issue earlier ruling to ignore draft orders

This follows rulings made by a number of top rabbis from different ultra-Orthodox groups in July that IDF service was prohibited and that their followers should ignore all draft orders.

 ‘THE HAREDI leadership argues that it is forbidden to draft yeshiva students whose Torah is their profession and that they defend the State of Israel through their studies.’ (credit: Marc Israel Sellem/Jerusalem Post)
‘THE HAREDI leadership argues that it is forbidden to draft yeshiva students whose Torah is their profession and that they defend the State of Israel through their studies.’ (credit: Marc Israel Sellem/Jerusalem Post)

The rulings show that nearly all of Israel's ultra-Orthodox spiritual leadership have adopted an extreme position against any increase in the ultra-Orthodox draft, and raises questions about the government's ability to abide by the High Court of Justice ruling last month that stated that the categorical ultra-Orthodox exemption was illegal.

Eliav Breuer contributed to this report.