Man bitten by viper during air-raid siren stresses importance of following emergency protocol

In response to a venomous viper bite, Yossi Bezalel stressed that following the Home Front Command’s guidelines saved his life: "I understand now.”

Arrow aerial system intercepts Houthi missile over Tel Aviv (photo credit: SECTION 27A COPYRIGHT ACT)
Arrow aerial system intercepts Houthi missile over Tel Aviv
(photo credit: SECTION 27A COPYRIGHT ACT)

Yossi Bezalel, a 72-year-old resident of Kfar Saba, was bitten by a venomous viper while lying on the ground in response to sirens triggered by a missile that was launched from Yemen, Israeli media reported on Thursday morning.

"We moved away from our vehicles and went to the side of the road into a pit about a meter and a half deep to take cover. I put my hands on my head as instructed by the Home Front Command, and suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my left hand. I raised my head and saw that a snake had bitten me," Bezalel shared.

During the incident, Bezalel had taken a picture of the snake and called his wife to inform her that he was receiving medical treatment from a nearby Magen David Adom team. After the treatment, the MDA team reassured his wife, emphasizing that he was in stable condition and on his way to the hospital.

 A viper is a venomous snake with large hinged fangs, typically having a broad head and stout body, with dark patterns on a lighter background. (credit: PIXABAY)
A viper is a venomous snake with large hinged fangs, typically having a broad head and stout body, with dark patterns on a lighter background. (credit: PIXABAY)

Bezalel explained that after being bitten, he felt shaky, pressure in his chest, and weakness in his legs. "I didn't know what was happening, but I started to feel unwell. They examined the wound and decided to treat me with antivenom because the swelling had spread in my hand. I entered intensive care at 9 a.m. the next morning and left at 4 p.m. I was discharged today."

"Next time there's an alert, I will definitely continue to follow the guidelines"

Bezalel then stressed that following the Home Front Command’s guidelines saved his life, "I see now how lucky it was that I put my hands on my head. The bite could have been on my head, which would have been much more dangerous. The next time there’s an alert, I will definitely continue to follow the guidelines. They save lives."