'Israel is set to launch an unprecedented attack on Hezbollah and Gaza,' Goldknopf reveals

In his interview, Housing Minister Yitzhak Goldknopf said he doesn't understand what failure is attributed to the Prime Minister on October 7, and supports returning to Gush Katif

 United Torah Judaism (UTJ) chairman rabbi Yitzchak Goldknopf is seen at the Supreme Court in Jerusalem, July 28, 2022 (photo credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)
United Torah Judaism (UTJ) chairman rabbi Yitzchak Goldknopf is seen at the Supreme Court in Jerusalem, July 28, 2022
(photo credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)

Housing and Construction Minister Yitzhak Goldknopf stirred the Israeli political system in a Tuesday interview with Makor Rishon, where he addressed the haredi draft issue, rising tensions with Hezbollah, and other heated topics. 

The haredi minister issued a firm ultimatum regarding the enlistment law, saying, "There is no doubt that the enlistment law will be approved before the budget is approved in the government, and even before that. If this does not happen, we will not continue our membership in the coalition."

These words have the potential to send political tension to new heights.

Surprisingly, Goldknopf expressed support for the enlistment of haredim, who do not dedicate their time to Torah studies. 

"Those who are not enlisted and are engaged in making a living - it is appropriate that they be enlisted. It is not our concern," he declared. "The legislation we are promoting does not protect those who do not diligently study Torah."

Referring to the events of the October 7 Hamas attacks, the minister came to the defense of Prime Minister Netanyahu. 

Yitzhak Goldknopf, a parking lot of cars burned by Hamas terrorists, November 9, 2023 (credit: REUVEN CASTRO)
Yitzhak Goldknopf, a parking lot of cars burned by Hamas terrorists, November 9, 2023 (credit: REUVEN CASTRO)

"What failure can be attributed to Netanyahu? It was Lapid who accused Bibi [Netanyahu] of murder. To the best of my knowledge, they didn't even bother to update him," Goldknopf argued forcefully. He even called for suspending Netanyahu's trial proceedings at this time, reasoning, "It is our duty as a country to ensure that the Prime Minister is free to lead the country without interruptions."


Regarding the security situation, Goldknopf predicted a significant escalation. "Unfortunately, the campaign is not over yet, and according to the information I have, Israel is set to launch an unprecedented attack on Hezbollah and Gaza. In my estimation, a flare-up with Iran is also expected," he warned. 

At the same time, he expressed support for any possible agreement to release the hostages despite the difficulties involved. 

"I will support any such deal, as it is a double mitzvah - both redeeming captives and saving lives."

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Regarding settlements, the minister shockingly said he would support a return to Gush Katif. 

"If a government decision is made to return and settle in parts of Gush Katif - I will give it my support. I believe that settlement in Gaza may help achieve security."

Housing prices

Finally, when asked about skyrocketing housing prices, Goldknopf shirked responsibility. 

"This is not due to our policy. You should direct these questions to the Bank of Israel or the Finance Ministry. The rise in apartment prices is not within our area of responsibility."

Arye Deri

This comes against the backdrop of a stirring interview by Shas Chairman Arye Deri, which was published yesterday in the newspaper HaDerech.

Among other things, Deri said in the interview, "I very much hope that in the coming weeks we will be able to arrange this, that yeshiva students will be able to sit and study without interruption, without there being all kinds of problems of orders, etc., and Torah students will be able to receive again the funding that is needed, the subsidies in dormitories and other things."

"We need to understand, if we look from a budgetary perspective, every day of battle costs us more than the entire annual budget of the entire Torah world, just so we understand the proportions, and we believe that every day of study prevents more days of battle," Deri said.