Israeli security forces arrest Palestinian disguised as Border Police officer

Police officers stopped for inspection a suspicious vehicle that had come from the West Bank, after noticing it had red and blue lights at the front.    

 The suspect arrested by border police officers. January 14, 2025.  (photo credit: POLICE SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
The suspect arrested by border police officers. January 14, 2025.

A Palestinian impersonating a border police officer was arrested by border police officers operating the al-Zaim checkpoint in the Jerusalem area, the police announced on Tuesday.

Police officers stopped for inspection a suspicious vehicle that had come from the West Bank, after noticing it had red and blue lights at the front.    

Upon inspection of the car, the officers noticed the driver, a 34-year-old resident of Anata in the West Bank, was disguised as a border police officer and had donned a coat belonging to the force. 

Border police officers arrest a Palestinian suspect near Jerusalem. January 14, 2025. (Credit: POLICE SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT).

No permit 

The suspect had no residential permit nor a valid driver's license, the police added. 

He was arrested and transferred for further interrogation.