Security officials: PA’s cancellation of terror stipends is a ‘facade’ - exclusive

Security Cabinet warns that the PA’s terror stipends will continue under a new system despite claims of reform.

 PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY President Mahmoud Abbas addresses the Turkish parliament in Ankara, earlier this month. He is currently serving the 20th year of the four-year term to which he was elected in 2005 (photo credit: UMIT BEKTAS/REUTERS)
PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY President Mahmoud Abbas addresses the Turkish parliament in Ankara, earlier this month. He is currently serving the 20th year of the four-year term to which he was elected in 2005
(photo credit: UMIT BEKTAS/REUTERS)

The PA’s announcement that it canceled its policy on salary payments to terrorists is a “deception” and only “cosmetic,” senior security officials told government ministers during a security cabinet meeting this week.

The officials were referring to the Palestinian Authority’s announcement on February 10, in which leader Mahmoud Abbas issued a presidential decree “canceling the clauses related to financial stipends for the families of prisoners, terrorists who died in suicide attacks, and the wounded.”

The PA stated that, from now on, families of Palestinian terrorists could apply to the authorities for assistance and stipends.

During the cabinet meeting on Tuesday, ministers also discussed the issue of deducting funds from the tax revenues Israel collects on behalf of the PA but withholds them due to Ramallah’s payments to terrorists’ families.

 Members of the Palestinian security forces and mourners attend a funeral in Nablus, in the West Bank, December 23, 2024 (credit: NASSER ISHTAYEH/FLASH90)Enlrage image
Members of the Palestinian security forces and mourners attend a funeral in Nablus, in the West Bank, December 23, 2024 (credit: NASSER ISHTAYEH/FLASH90)

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The discussion also touched on the presidential decree signed by Abbas. Senior security officials clarified that this was merely a “deception, a cosmetic move, and a facelift designed to gain legitimacy with the US administration.”

Cabinet ministers expressed concern over the security officials’ assessment that the PA would now transfer funds to terrorists and their families through alternative means.

“This is a serious problem,” some ministers stated during the meeting. “Israel will have to invest in intelligence efforts and enhance its methods for gathering information.”

They also noted that this shift would make it more difficult for the cabinet to determine the exact amount to deduct from the funds Israel transfers to the PA.

During the discussion, senior security officials updated the ministers that, this time, only NIS 470 million needed to be deducted from the funds transferred by Israel – compared to the usual deduction of approximately NIS 600m. This number led ministers to question the amount.

Security officials explained that due to its severe economic situation, the PA had reduced by 20% the salaries it pays both to terrorists and to “regular professionals” working for the PA.