Coverage is from the Mizrahi Tefahot Real Estate Conference on financial opportunities for foreign residents and olim that was held in collaboration with The Jerusalem Post.
Marc Reiss, the head of the Foreign Resident and New Immigrant Activities at Mizrahi-Tefahot Bank, told attendees at the bank’s annual conference on business and financial opportunities for foreign residents and olim (new immigrants), “It’s all common sense. Our task is to translate common sense to common practice.”
Reiss said that the beauty and agony of living in Israel was perhaps epitomized by two recent news items announced on the same day – the resumption of the war and the $32 billion acquisition of the Israeli company Wiz by Google.
He said that it was important to understand why foreign residents wanted to come to Israel, and using an illustrative chart showed that given the current rate of growth and existing trends, in the coming years, the majority of the world’s Jewish population will be living in Israel.
Reiss pointed out that although Israel was a small country, it was one of the world’s wealthiest countries by GDP and was third in the world in the number of active startups. “This is the reason why people are coming,” he said.
Israel’s GDP forecast for 2025 and 2026, he added, was steadily increasing. “This is an advanced, developing economy with emerging economic opportunities and returns.”
Coverage is from the Mizrahi Tefahot Real Estate Conference on financial opportunities for foreign residents and olim that was held in collaboration with The Jerusalem Post.