Professional mentors, Israeli companies, participants, and guest speakers all agreed to shift the 10-week experience to a virtual summer with both the educational and internship components of the program taking place online. Fellows also participate in lectures by professionals from all sectors of Israeli society, workshops and leadership training, and weekend excursions beyond the boardroom. It is in fact one of the very few internship programs for non-Israelis in Israeli companies that were not cancelled due to Covid-19. "Covid-19 has brought Birthright to an unprecedented situation that forced us to stop the arrival of groups foe the time being" said Birthright CEO, Gidi Mark, the new Birthright Excel cohort in the opening ceremony of the program . "As soon as it will be both safe and possible, I would love to welcome you all in Israel" he said.
During the days of quarantine, members of the Birthright Excel community, in Israel and around the world, were responsible for several social initiatives that assisted a wide range of populations – "Door2Dor" assisted with delivery of food and medical supplies to the quarantined elderly, an "Seder.Live" was an interactive Passover Haggadah available for everyone around the world , and fellows also organized International Shabbat Services and online seminars. "What our community achieved during the Covid-19 quarantine demonstrates the exceptional human capital of our community" added Mark, "Members of the community prove themselves every day as leaders of both the business and Jewish worlds."
In addition to the professional internships during the summer, the program will include online sessions with senior Israeli executives such as Adi Sofer Teeni, Facebook Israel GM, Yifat Oron, CEO of Leumi Tech CEO, and Dani Dayan, Consul General of Israel in New York. Mark concluded: "This project is considered to be the most prestigious program in the Jewish world today, with tens of thousands of young people being accepted from thousands of applicants.