Blue and White minister: We'll depose Netanyahu if he goes to elections

Likud MK Miki Zohar: Blue and White have no legitimacy for national leadership

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu gives a press statement at the PM's office in Jerusalem, on August 13, 2020.  (photo credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)
Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu gives a press statement at the PM's office in Jerusalem, on August 13, 2020.
(photo credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)
Science and Technology Minister Izhar Shay has threatened that if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tries to go to new elections during the current crisis the Blue and White party will “ensure” that he does not remain in his position.
The minister’s comments come as trust between Netanyahu’s Likud and its senior coalition partner Blue and White has sunk to new lows in recent days, amid a renewed fight over the state budget and political demonstrations.
“The Likud is going to abuse the citizens; whoever goes to elections will pay the price,” said Shai on Channel 12’s Meet the Press program in reference to comments made by Likud MKs and coalition chairman Miki Zohar of late calling on the prime minister to break up the coalition.
“The Likud made known this week through Miki Zohar that they will not work on the budget in order to dismantle the government,” said Shai.
A state budget for 2020 is yet to be passed, since the Likud insists that a one-year budget be passed, while Blue and White is insisting a two-year budget be passed in accordance with the coalition agreement both parties signed to establish the current government.
“If the Likud wants to initiate elections at the expense of unemployed and ill citizens, we will not only not allow it, Netanyahu will also not be prime minister.”
Shai added that there are members of the right-wing parties who would cooperate with Blue and White in an effort to topple Netanyahu.
“There are tools and there are people who will stop him from determining a new round of elections. There are also people on the right who will do this.”
Zohar said in response that Shai’s threats were empty and that an alternative government in the current Knesset was not realistic.
“Blue and White has no public legitimacy to take the leadership of the country. They would get six Knesset seats on a good day, if they would even pass the electoral threshold.”
Likud MK Gideon Sa’ar, an opponent of Netanyahu who ran against him in the most recent Likud primary, resigned from his membership of the Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee on Saturday night, due to what he said was its lack of oversight capabilities over the government’s COVID-19 decisions.
Saar said he had objected in particular to restrictions on small businesses which employ less than 10 people, when gatherings of up to ten people are permitted.