Cantors, shofar blowers to travel freely on Rosh Hashanah
Religious Affairs Ministry: ‘Critical in order to fulfill the holiday commandments.’
By MAAYAN JAFFE-HOFFMANRABBI MOSHE SILVER blows a Yemenite shofar at the Jerusalem Promenade(photo credit: REZA GREEN)
In order to ensure that all people can pray and hear the shofar blown on Rosh Hashanah despite the lockdown, the Religious Affairs and Health ministries have arranged for special travel permits for cantors and shofar blowers.Coronavirus commissioner Prof. Ronni Gamzu approved the protocol.“The need to allow for the travel of these individuals is critical in order to fulfill the holiday mitzvot,” said the Religious Affairs Ministry's CEO Oded Fluss.The ministry will publish on its website ( a form for these individuals to fill out, which will be approved by the ministry. Once approved, they will be able to bring the form with them if they are stopped by an inspector.In addition, the ministry said that it has worked with the local authorities to ensure that they can enable enough outdoor and indoor spaces for High Holy Day prayers, while still following the Health Ministry restrictions.The ministry revealed a special outline for High Holy Day prayers, approved by the government, earlier this week.In all open areas, people can pray unhindered, but in capsules of only 20 people.In red zones, of which there are now around 70 such areas, prayer will be permitted in closed structures in groups of up to 10 people. The permitted number of groups in a closed area will be a function of the number of entrances to the structure: The first two entrances multiplied by three each, and each additional entrance multiplied by two – on condition that the ratio of one person per four square meters of space is maintained.For example, in a house of prayer in a red zone that is 250 sq.m. in size and has two entrances, it will be possible to pray in six capsules of 10 people each. Ten people in each capsule and two entrances times three yields 60 people for the structure, while maintaining the ratio of one person per four sq.m. of space.In a structure of 500 sq.m. with five entrances, 12 capsules of 10 people each shall be permitted to pray (2 entrances times 3 + 3 entrances times 2). In a structure of 70 sq.m. with one entrance, one capsule of 10 people shall be permitted to pray due to the limitations of the place, since two capsules require 80 sq.m. of space.
In all other zones, prayer shall be permitted in groups of up to 25 people. The permitted number of groups in a closed space shall be double the number of entrances to the structure, again on condition that the ratio of one person per four sq.m. of space is maintained.For example, a house of prayer in a yellow area that is 400 sq.m. in size and has two entrance doors shall be permitted to have four capsules of 25 people each: 25 people in each capsule and two entrances multiplied by two capsules yields 100 people in the structure, as long as they maintain the ratio of one person per four sq.m. of space.