Gal Gadot surprises nurses dressed as Wonder Woman on morning talk show

Four Detroit medical professionals dressed as Wonder Woman spoke with Good Morning America host T. J. Holmes over video chat when they were surprised by real-life Wonder Woman Gal Gadot.

Gal Gadot stars as the fierce Amazon warrior princess out to save the world in ‘Wonder Woman' (photo credit: COURTESY OF SHALMOR PR)
Gal Gadot stars as the fierce Amazon warrior princess out to save the world in ‘Wonder Woman'
(photo credit: COURTESY OF SHALMOR PR)
Israeli actress and Wonder Woman Gal Gadot surprised Detroit nurses who were dressed as Wonder Woman on Good Morning America on Wednesday morning, telling them that they are the real superheroes.
"They're brave, selfless, they possess amazing strength, and they save lives – you know, superheroes," said host T. J. Holmes.
The show took a look into the emergency medical staff at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, Michigan, who dressed up as various superheroes, many of which wore Wonder Woman medical masks, t-shirts and bandanas.
Holmes interviewed four members of the medical staff from the hospital, all of who wore Wonder Woman shirts, because, "Wonder Woman believes in people. She believes in love. She saves people when they can't save themselves. She's the strongest chick I know," said Erin Cavanagh, one of the four medical professionals brought onto the show.
The nurses explained that the outfit can be uplifting for the patients, as well as encourage the wearer. It's "a little different," Beth Gonzales, another medical professional in the Wonder Woman gear, said. "I feel a little empowered."
During their virtual conversation with Holmes due to coronavirus restrictions, the four medical professionals were joined by Wonder Woman herself, Gal Gadot.
"You are the real deal," Gadot said. "Let's just make this clear. Thank you. I salute you. Everything that you do is the real deal."

Gadot, who has channeled her on-screen persona on several occasions in an effort to lighten tensions amid the coronavirus pandemic, continued, "You're risking your life for other people. I get emotional thinking about it. You're amazing. You are true, true, true inspiration."
The women expressed that the Wonder Woman gear gives them strength, posing in the signature defensive position of Wonder Woman, Bracelets of Submission held in an X across the chest.

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"I feel just privileged to be portraying this character and to know that women like you are using it and spreading the love," Gadot said. "That means everything to me."
The medical professionals expressed similar sentiments of appreciation towards Gadot. "You inspire both little boys and little girls and big girls," said Michelle Poole, one of the medical professionals on the call. "We love you for that."
Gadot spoke a few days prior in a graduation address on CNN as 2020 graduates celebrate from home.
"You know to me, Wonder Woman is a fighter, but it's what she fights for that matters," Gadot said. "So fight for your place in this world because you've earned it, you've worked so hard to get to this moment and no matter how unclear our future may seem, your future is bright and it starts today. Congratulations."