By LORELAI KUDEUpdated: DECEMBER 12, 2020 20:30
The great conjunction of Jupiter/Tzedek and Saturn/Shabtai has had special meaning in Jewish astrological thought since this cosmic convergence became the focus of Jewish messianic speculation. It started with the earliest contacts with its origins in third-century Sasanian Persia through Abu Ma’ashar, to the medieval commentators such as Abraham Bar Hiyya, Abraham Ibn Ezra and others. Jupiter and Saturn make a conjunction in the zodiac sign of Aquarius on December 21, 2020, the 6th of Tevet 5781, the day of the winter solstice, tekufah Tevet, for the first time since the year 1405. This is significant because of the special relationship of both the planet Saturn and the constellation of Aquarius to the Jewish people, and the belief that this event heralds the advent of political and social change, the emergence of a new dynasty, nation or a great prophet. There is no more important celestial event in our lifetimes, triggering the inexorable movement toward an “Aquarian Age.” But is it good for the Jews?Saturn-ruled Tevet, whose tribal ruler is border-guarding Dan, comes to teach us the importance of boundaries, structures and personal responsibility in our lives. The Full Moon in compassionate Cancer December 29 emphasizes empathy and asks us to remember the marginalized; Mercury/Kochav conjunct Pluto January 4 proves the power of words to both wound and heal. Choose them with maturity and wisdom.We’ve been in the anteroom of the Aquarian Age for decades but now the door is officially opened. Hodesh Tevet invites us to enter, carrying our luggage from the previous epoch. We’ll be sorting and tossing what we don’t need for our brave new world for a long while yet, but you can be sure we’re not turning back now that we see the light at the end of the tunnel.ARIES/TALEHDecember 21’s Jupiter-Saturn conjunction enlarges and defines your sense of community. First-quarter Aries Moon December 22 at the winter solstice/tekufah Tevet is a new birth seeing its very first fruits. Break barriers when Mars/Ma’adim squares Pluto December 23. You can now overcome that final, stubborn obstacle. Mars enters Taurus January 6, focusing on your material world, values and valuables. Your personal growth is “money in the bank” as you take a mature view of your personal resources. Mars square Saturn January 13 asks if you are properly appreciated by your community. You deserve acknowledgment.TAURUS/SHORThe Jupiter-Saturn conjunction December 21 amplifies and emphasizes your career and public, professional life, and in 2021 you’re a rebel with a cause. Venus/Noga enters practical, pragmatic Capricorn January 8 and trines Mars/Ma’adin January 9, inspiring harmony and syncing desire with appreciation. Personal vulnerabilities may see the light of day when Venus squares wounded healer Chiron January 12. Though you’re not inclined to make trouble for trouble’s sake, you’ll gladly get into “good trouble” when your values are at stake. You may have this chance January 13 when Venus trines rebel/revolutionary Uranus: You’ve been woke!GEMINI/TEOMIMDecember 21’s Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius with the North Lunar node in Gemini expands your worldview and triggers profound changes in your spiritual life, higher educational trajectory, and/or country of residence; or all three over the coming year. Mercury/Kochav conjunct Pluto January 4 may be your moment of truth-telling. Come hell or high water, hurt feelings or not, your bottom line needs to come to light and will push its way out if you don’t open the door. Taking the high road is your best bet when Mercury enters Aquarius January 8 and conjuncts Saturn January 9.CANCER/SARTAN
The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction December 21 gives you an eagle-eyed view of your mind-body connection. You’re able to change your perspective to see around previous blockages now. Change your relationship to your personal health in 2021, which really begins for you with the Full Moon in Cancer December 29, a peak emotional consciousness half a year in the making. It’s all about the nurturing for you. Last Quarter Moon in harmonious Libra January 6 prioritizes partnerships; the new Capricorn Moon January 13 suggests how a potential partnership structure might manifest in a practical, emotionally balanced way. Self-care is an intimacy-builder!LEO/ARYEHThe Jupiter-Saturn conjunction at the winter solstice/tekufah Tevet December 21 stimulates partnerships of all kinds. The Sun’s trine to maverick Uranus December 27 attracts the unusual and original. You’re willing to wear rose-colored glasses at the Sun’s sextile to Neptune January 8, but beware: If that budding partnership is built on a foundation of cotton candy instead of truth and reality, mighty power plays and massive ego clashes could be triggered at the Sun/Pluto conjunction January 14. If there has been deceit of any kind, the rose garden you’ve planted will become a bed of thorns overnight.VIRGO/BETULAHThe Jupiter-Saturn conjunction December 21 turn you toward the healing arts. You deeply yearn to heal not just yourself but humanity itself. An integrative practice you begin now may carry you in good stead for years to come. Mercury/Kochav conjuncts Pluto January 4 during Moon in Virgo. Your powerful words have the power to transform both yourself and the listener. Prepare for a seismic shift once you speak your truth January 12-13. Your emotional and physical health depend on your ability to be honest with yourself and others. Emancipate yourself from mental slavery and outworn expectations.LIBRA/MOZNAYIMJupiter-Saturn conjunction December 21 at the First Quarter Moon in Aries turns on your lovelight like it hasn’t been turned on in a long time, and things could move quickly. Full Moon in Cancer December 29 makes your private life public. Last Quarter Moon in Libra January 6 and Venus/Noga in practical Capricorn January 8 readjusts for reality. Feelings flare and fears are exposed when Venus square vulnerable Chiron and trine unstable Uranus/Oron January 12-13; what appeared as a sure thing or a done deal now appears nowhere near resolved. Actions speak louder than words.SCORPIO/AKRAVThe Jupiter-Saturn conjunction December 21 stimulates concern for home and family. A heightened need to control how safe you feel in your domestic environment and ensuring it meets your security standards is triggered when Mars/Ma’adim squares controlling Saturn/Shabtai January 15. The Sun’s conjunction to powerful Pluto January 14 makes you feel confronted by responsibility, confounded by commitment, and resistant to pressure pushing you to compromise your desires in favor of external, superficial obligations. Now is the time to distinguish who truly deserves your energy, your passion, your time, and your attention. No time for game-players.SAGITTARIUS/KASHATThe Jupiter-Saturn conjunction December 21 makes you the big fish wherever your little pond happens to be. Interfacing with your immediate environment becomes as interesting as a foreign journey to you now. Jupiter/Tzedek in Aquarius for most of 2021 super-sizes idealism, enlarges friendships, emphasizes community and magnifies your unique individuality. Mercury/Kochav conjunct Jupiter January 11 amplifies your voice, speaking with authority and confidence now, your declarations ring like a bat kol, a heavenly voice of Divine truth. Careful to use your words to build up and nurture others. You don’t need to aggrandize yourself; others will do that for you.CAPRICORN/G’DIJupiter’s conjunction to Saturn December 21 on the winter solstice/tekufah Tevet enlarges consciousness around money and your material world. 2020’s massive wisdom upgrade equips you to rise to the occasion with maturity and humor. You’ve learned how to have and have not, how to keep and let go. Venus/Noga in Capricorn from January 8 sweetens your most practical obligations. Mercury/Kochav conjunct Saturn January 9 frames better ways to deal with creative conflict. You’ll test those methods January 13 at the new Capricorn Moon when confrontational Mars in stubborn Taurus squares Saturn in Aquarius.AQUARIUS/D’LIThe great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius December 21 supercharges your energy field with a once-in-a-lifetime dose of brilliance, positivity, idealism, originality and creativity. Drop everything else you’re doing and make space to receive this cosmic gift. Manifesting your idealistic dreams is your task now, wrestle with differing ideas January 12 at Mercury/Kochav’s square to Uranus/Oron, surrender to your own brilliant revelations at the trine of Venus/Noga to Uranus/Oron January 13, right before Uranus stations direct January 14, allowing rapid progress and unimpeded access to resources.PISCES/DAGIMThe Jupiter-Saturn conjunction December 21 has your subconscious mind on a low-burning flame. You’ll be simmering the significance of your family history, heritage and roots this year more than ever before. Mercury/Kochav sextiles Neptune/Rahav January 1, setting the stage for your inner work this year, excavating the contents of your dreams and mining them for precious jewels. Investing your energy into the care and comprehension of your unconscious/subconscious mind at the Sun’s sextile to Neptune January 8 brings a beautiful payoff when you find the medium best suited to externalize your fecund internal creativity.