Summer activities for whole family organized by KKL-JNF
In order to allow people to go out during this summer, the KKL-JNF has organized several activities for the people of Israel.
The Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF) has organized several summer activities to allow people to enjoy summertime and celebrate the organization's 120th anniversary.Among these actives, one can find movies, a festival, as well as nature walks."KKL-JNF is inviting the public to join in the summer celebration in various activities, as well as celebrating the 120th anniversary of the founding of the organization," said Daniel Attar, the head of the KKL-JNF. "It's important to us to allow the families of Israel to go out to the open space and relive the stress of these times, and enjoy themselves in the safest possible way,"The schedule for these activities are as follows:Celebrating the 120 years of working, a visitor center festival:Monday, August 10th: 20:00-23:00 Hulda forest visor centerTuesday, August 11th Arboretum Nacional Ilanot visitor center, first tour 16:00-18:00, second tour: 18:00-20:00.These activities require payment.Free tours in KKL forests:Northern Israel: Tours go into rounds, from 10:00-12:00 and 12:30-14:30.
11.8.20: Emek HaTkhelet Park12.8.20: Biriya Forest, the road of the righteous.13.8.20: Birya Fortress to Nabratein, the spring and ancient synagogue17.8.20: Birya Fortress to Nabratein, the spring and ancient synagogue18.8.20: Adamit Park, Keshet Cave19.8.20: HaBe'er Road, Hanita Forest20.8.2020: Habricha road, Hof HaCarmel ForestCentral Israel:23.8.20: Ayalon Canada Park, Emek HaMaayanot24.8.20: Sataf25.8.20: Ilanot26.8.20: Ben Shemen, The Pagoda and the surrounding area27.8.20: Shofet River, Haruvim parking lotSouthern Israel: 17:00-19:3023.8.20: Beit Hava, Moran Forest24.8.20: Khirbat Abu Hof - The Golden Road in Lahav Forest25.8.20: Nahal Grar Park, Sharsheret Forest26.8.20: Yatir Forest, Agricultural Facilities road, Anim synagogue27.8.20: Water facilities road, Re'im Parking Lot in Beeri Forest28.8.20: Bird research institute Ain Remon in Lahav Forest (leaves at 7:00)"Window to the view"- Nature painting with the KKLA series of nature painting workshops taught by professionals, letting creative people draw the nature around them.Northern Israel: Agamon Hula, Haklum GroveTuesday 25.8.20 and Thursday 27.8.20Workshop times:1st workshop: 15:45-17:302nd workshop: 17:45-19:30Central Israel: Ben Shemen Forest, Hapsalim Road:Wednesday 19.8.20, Thursday 20.8.201st workshop: 16:00-17:302nd workshop: 17:45-19:30Southern Israel: Meitar forest, Noam Rozental Parking lot:Wednesday 26.8.20, Thursday 27.8.201st workshop: 15:30-17:152nd workshop: 17:30-19:15Workshops are for ages 15 and up, payment required to join.A walk for the whole family in the lantern's light, Thursday 13.8.20, 19:00.A walk which will take people from sunset through twilight to a darkness which descends upon the forest, where the family can learn about life in the forest during the night, as well as the KKL's work to help develop forests and prevent forest fires.For parents and children over the age of five. Each family will receive a single lantern. Spots limited. Length: two and a half hours.North: Ahihud ForestCentral Israel: Shoham Forest Park and Ilanot ForestSouth: Ha-Mal'akhim-Shkharya ForestPayment required to join.KKL cinema Kinneret Courtyard:Friday, 14.8.20 at 9:30KKL cinema marks the 100th anniversary of the movie: "Return to Zion", describing the settlement of the Zionist movement and their work.The schedule includes a screening of the movie and a discussion of it.Details and registration: Kinneret Courtyard - KinneretSunday to Thursday: 9:00-16:00Phone no. 04-6709117. Email: h.kineret@gmail.comGuvrin forest festival- The reveal of Galon citadel.Tuesday 25.8.20, 1st round: 17:00, 2nd round: 18:30A free of charge festival for families about archeology. A meeting with the regional archeologist of the Israel Antiquities Authority. This festival includes a musical activity, "Do touch"- a workshop for archeological findings, as well as an ancient jewelry workshop, and a KKL navigation game.An activity for the whole family: Tzipori River, Shmshit HallThursday 20.8.20, 17:00-20:00A coronavirus regulation friendly biking road, which goes in rounds from the bridge near the river. A creative activity is also available for the whole family, creating animals and Mobiles from environmentally friendly materials.Free of charge. Each activity requires separate registration.In order to allow these events to take place in light of the coronavirus regulation, participation will only be allowed with signing up to "Kav Layaar" at 1-800-350-550 or at: to change by order of The Health Ministry.