And at the arena on Saturday evening, he discovered more than 10,000 adoring people in the crowd. Concert organizers added a second show on Sunday evening after the first one sold out.“You discovered here a show that we film in Turkey, and again, art has won out,” Deniz said on stage, alongside a Hebrew interpreter. “What the politicians haven’t succeeded in doing, this time we succeeded. I thank you so much, and hopefully, many other things in the realm of art that we do can help bring us together.”Deniz performed his wide repertoire of Turkish songs as the mostly-female crowd shouted “Faruk, Faruk” – the name of his character in the show. Enver, his co-star and on-screen wife, Sureyya, joined him for just one song on stage. Toward the end of the show, Deniz, who appeared to never utter the word “Israel,” issued another call for peace. “Tel Aviv is a very beautiful city,” he said. “And I am waiting for all of you to come visit us in Turkey.”שוב טורקי מנצח ביד אליהו. קבלו את אוז׳גן דניז, פארוק מהכלה באיסטנבול
— Raz Shechnik (@RazShechnik) April 6, 2019