Curfews considered across Israel as coronavirus cases rise

The option is being examined to close these cities down starting from either six PM or eight PM until morning.

A sign pictured in Tel Aviv reads 'Wear a Mask' during Israel's second lockdown, September 2020. (photo credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI/ MAARIV)
A sign pictured in Tel Aviv reads 'Wear a Mask' during Israel's second lockdown, September 2020.
The idea of a night curfew is once again being considered by the government in multiple cities across Israel due to a rise in coronavirus infection rates, N12 reported.
Several cities in which the rate of infection has risen were named in a report presented to the Health Ministry. These include: Tel Aviv, Hertzelia, Be'er Sheba, some parts of Jerusalem, Petah Tikva, Haifa, Giv'atayim, Kiryat Ata and Alfei Menashe.
The ministry is considering options including imposing a curfew starting from either 6 p.m. or 8 p.m. until morning.
In a meeting held to discuss the policy, however, several possible problems were raised, namely that such a policy would be very difficult to enforce, and difficulties over the efficiency of such an action.
In the end it was decided to first see the effects of curfews around the world, and from to extrapolate from that data what its effects would be in Israel.