Honest Reporting CEO speaks at Jerusalem Post Annual Conference
Pomerantz recounted events from his professional and personal life that made him aware of bias against Israel.
By ALAN ROSENBAUMHonest Reporting CEO Daniel Pomerantz is seen addressing The Jerusalem Post Annual Conference.(photo credit: LIOR LEV)
Daniel Pomerantz, CEO of HonestReporting.com, the organization that monitors the news for bias, inaccuracy and other breaches of journalistic standards in coverage of the Arab-Israeli conflict, spoke at the Jerusalem Post Annual Conference. Pomerantz, who worked as an attorney in New York and Chicago before starting his law practice in Israel, recounted events from his professional and personal life that made him aware of bias against Israel, including a “peace protest” that was held in Chicago against Israel during Operation Cast Lead in 2008, in which demonstrators wore swastikas and chanted “Death to the Jews,” threatening his safety and several of his friends who had come to counter-protest.Pomerantz recounted the events that led to the founding of the HonestReporting in 2001, when The New York Times printed a photo of a Druze border policeman protecting a bleeding yeshiva student who had been attacked by an Arab mob during the Second Intifada, and erroneously wrote that the picture depicted an Israeli policeman striking an Arab.To view the conference, click here>>Pomerantz says of living in Israel, “I found something I never found in America: the ability to speak my mind and stand by my values and feel safe and confident.”For more information, go to HonestReporting.com.