Want to help an Israeli soldier? Here is a list of supplies they really need

Israeli citizens send snacks and sweets to soldiers, but there are more important supplies that they are lacking.

  (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)

Since the outbreak of war, the people of Israel have shown unwavering support for the IDF soldiers fighting on various fronts. 

Social media and news reports are filled with heartwarming stories of care packages sent to soldiers, often including personal letters or drawings. 

Unfortunately, many of these packages contain items that soldiers do not actually need on the battlefield. 

In a video posted on social media, reservist Ben shed light on the things that soldiers truly lack in the field.

  (credit: Walla, walla! studio)
(credit: Walla, walla! studio)

  (credit: walla!, walla! studio)
(credit: walla!, walla! studio)

Here is the list of essential supplies:

  1. Thick black masking tape for attaching emergency equipment to guns.
  2. Long and strong black laces for tying and organizing equipment, facilitating mobility in the field.
  3. Small first aid kits for personal use by each soldier in the field, providing immediate care when needed.
  4. Plaster rolls, thick and thin, for immediate use in the field.
  5. Dedicated plasters for treating warts and blisters, offering immediate relief to soldiers on duty 24/7.
  6. Tourniquets, a life-saving product that can prevent fatal injuries.
  7. Drink carriers on a belt or with back harnesses, allowing soldiers to stay hydrated during combat.
  8. ElectroRice cases from the pharmacy, for rehydrating dehydrated soldiers and getting them back on their feet quickly.
  9. Thick black markers for labeling personal equipment and important medical documentation in case of injuries. They can also enhance the pressure applied by a tourniquet.
  10. Tipp-Ex bottles, for marking each soldier's personal equipment and providing other helpful markings during battle.
  11. Leatherman multi-tool knives, which are versatile tools that can be used for cleaning guns.
  12. Protein bars, which are a nutritious snack for soldiers who often go hours without a proper meal.
  13. Tic-Tacs or Mentos, which are small candies that soldiers can easily carry with them in the field.

While packages of Bisli, Bamba, or Bugels are well-intentioned, they do not address the soldiers' actual needs.