Egypt warned Israel against carrying out military operations along the Philadelphi Corridor and rejected Israel's apology for damage to an Egyptian Army guard post, according to Egyptian sources quoted in Cairo's Al-Arabi Al-Jadid newspaper on Sunday morning.
The Philadelphi Corridor, also called the Philadelphi Route, is a narrow strip of land, 14 km. in length, situated along the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt in southern Gaza.One source quoted in the newspaper said that "Egypt may take diplomatic steps that will limit the relationship between Israel and Egypt."
'Deliberate provocation'
The source also claimed that Cairo made it clear that the Israeli apology for firing at one of the Egyptian Army's guard posts was not accepted. According to the source, the Egyptians claim that this was not an oversight, but a deliberate provocation.
According to another source quoted in the newspaper, Egypt also conveyed messages to the leadership of Hamas, where, among other things, a promise was made to the perpetrators of the brutal October 7 attack that it would refuse to condemn the organization or label it as a terrorist organization.