Former US ambassador: Annexation 'driving Zionist project off a cliff'

Martin Indyk was US ambassador to Israel between 1995-1997 and then again between 2000-2001.

Martin Indyk (photo credit: REUTERS)
Martin Indyk
(photo credit: REUTERS)
Former US ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk said that "annexation is the opposite of separation," and that "it is driving the Zionist project off a cliff," in an interview with Army Radio Thursday morning.
When asked whether or not he thinks Netanyahu is serious about his plan of annexation, Indyk stated that he believes so, as he has the support of an American president. But he added that "Netanyahu is supported by a president who won't be here soon" and raised concerns regarding the future of the State of Israel if annexation does go through as planned.
"The damage to Israel's reputation and its relationship with Arab countries will be irreplaceable," Indyk said.
When he was asked about the deal from the Palestinian point of view, he said that the "plan is completely unacceptable to Palestinians," and that they can't negotiate on this – "it's a fantasy" – to which the interviewer responded by reminding Indyk that most Israelis have come to view the two-state solution as a fantasy that won't take place in their own lifetime. 
Indyk replied: "Israelis will decide their own fate," calling upon the public to decide "whether going down the road towards annexation of the territories is a wise thing to do. As Rabin said, we have to separate from the Palestinians. Separate out of anger or respect, but it still has to happen."
Martin Indyk was the US ambassador to Israel between 1995-1997 and then again between 2000-2001. He is known for his critical attitude towards Israel.