Gantz: Attack on Border Police is severe incident, will not become common practice

Defense Minister Benny Gantz addressed the settler attack on Border Police during which they threw rocks in the direction of their vehicles, during a visit to Division 98.

 Benny Gantz visits Division 98 (photo credit: ARIEL HERMONI/DEFENSE MINISTRY)
Benny Gantz visits Division 98

Defense Minister Benny Gantz took a tour of Division 98 on Tuesday together with IDF Deputy Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi, Commander of the Homefront Yehudah Fox and Division 98 Commander Ofer Winter.

During the tour, Gantz was given a rundown of operative plans, conversed with reserve battalion commanders and received a display of the division's capabilities.

"I am ending a visit at Division 98 together with the deputy chief of staff, in which we surveyed our abilities and future operational readiness in all military arenas that also include ground maneuvering," said Gantz at the end.

"I was very impressed by the readiness and willingness of the soldiers and reserves and the new means that we are preparing for every arena by cooperation between the forces. We continue to prepare and be ready for any eventuality.

Gantz then touched on the incident on Monday night in which settlers attacked Border Police near Yitzhar, injuring one and damaging Border Police jeeps.

 Benny Gantz is given a tour of Division 98 and their military readiness. (credit: ARIEL HERMONI/DEFENSE MINISTRY)
Benny Gantz is given a tour of Division 98 and their military readiness. (credit: ARIEL HERMONI/DEFENSE MINISTRY)

"Last night, Israeli citizens attacked border police officers. This is a severe incident that will not become common practice, and I fully back my soldiers in the field who fulfill their assignments in order to protect the safety and order for the Jews and Palestinians as one.

"As we open the harvest season, I want to make it clear that we will act with zero tolerance of any violence for the safety of all the area's residents. 

"Unfortunately, there have been isolated cases of IDF soldiers going rogue and defying their commands. Any incident of that nature is investigated thoroughly and taken care of.

"I trust the IDF's soldiers and commanders and all the forces that will continue to fulfill their operational missions according to the values of the IDF and their instructions."