Gilad Erdan files complaint to UNSC following Hezbollah attack in Israel

"There is no justification for having an ineffective force operate in territory which Hezbollah is using to arm itself."

Aerial footage of the area where the incident took place (photo credit: ISRAEL AT THE UN)
Aerial footage of the area where the incident took place
(photo credit: ISRAEL AT THE UN)
Following Hezbollah's recent shooting at Israeli soldiers on Tuesday night, Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan submitted a letter of complaint to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in which he requested that the UNSC take immediate measures against the Lebanese government and to change the function of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL). 
In his complaint, Erdan said that "the recent attack at IDF forces, in addition to Hezbollah's increasing strength and its activities in southern Lebanon, increases the chances for escalation in the Northern arena which could have severe consequences for Lebanon as well as for the entire region." 
Erdan also presented a photograph showing the region, located between two UNIFIL outposts and in proximity to the blue line, from where Hezbollah's operatives fired. The blue line is the border traced between Israel and Lebanon drawn by the UN in 2000.
The photograph, according to Erdan, demonstrates UNIFIL's powerlessness in the face of Israel's requests for expanding its authority and capabilities following Hezbollah's terrorist activities. 
Erdan further added that "there is no justification for having an ineffective force operate in territory which Hezbollah is using to arm itself and turn southern Lebanon into a terrorist base," alluding to UNIFIL's inability to enforce UNSCR 1701.
UNSCR 1701 is the UN decision which ended the Second Lebanon War.
Omri Nahmias contributed to this report.