Highest Yoga lesson in Israel took place on top of Azrieli tower
It is estimated that about 250,000 people practice yoga in Israel.
By JERUSALEM POST STAFFYoga lesson taking place on the 63rd floor of one of the Azrieli towers(photo credit: ELDAD ALONI AND JONATHAN HENNING)
A Yoga lesson took place on the 63rd floor of one of the Azrieli towers at a height of 250 meters (820.21 feet), marking it the highest point in which such a lesson has ever taken place in Israel.About 14 Yoga instructors participated in the class, made to promote a new "EllaYoga" space in said tower. This is the second one to be opened, with the first being opened 14 years ago at Tel Aviv Port.It is estimated that about 250,000 people practice yoga in Israel.On July 22, many Israelis celebrated International Yoga Day, which this year had to take a less crowded form due to the coronavirus restrictions, though smaller groups managed to get together and practice.