The pilot will begin Monday and will last three months, during which certain units, including combat units and units currently in training, will be exempted from wearing protective masks. The pilot will only include units where at least 90% of the participating soldiers have received both doses of the coronavirus vaccine and that at least a week has passed since their second inoculation, or soldiers who have recovered from the virus. The statement stressed that all training and activity within confined spaces will still take place with masks and while maintaining social distancing.The pilot will only last if the IDF continues to closely follow and document the morbidity rates within the participating units. In that regard, the IDF will be required to report morbidity rates once a week to the Health Ministry, except during a serious outbreak when it will be required to report immediately.The Health Ministry noted that the public is still required to wear masks until further notice.בהתאם לבקשת צה״ל ולאישור משרד הבריאות, תבוטל החל ממחר, כחלק מפיילוט שיימשך שלושה חודשים, חובת עטיית מסיכות באימונים ובפעילויות בשטח פתוח של יחידות הכשרה ויחידות לוחמות. הקלה זאת מותנית בכך שלפחות 90% מהחיילים המשתתפים בפעילות חוסנו מפני קורונה או שהחלימו ממנה >>>
— צבא ההגנה לישראל (@idfonline) April 4, 2021