Illegal Miniature dog breeding compound uncovered in central Israel

The dogs were all found in dire physical condition, suffering from bruises as well as negligence. They were kept in terrible living conditions, in small cages reeking of feces and urine.

Miniature dogs kept in sub-standard conditions (photo credit: HEFER VALLEY REGIONAL COUNCIL VETERINARY DIVISION)
Miniature dogs kept in sub-standard conditions
Several dogs were found being kept in sub-standard conditions on Monday in central Israel, in what was allegedly an illegal dog breeding compound.
The compound was found after a complaint was filed to the Hefer Valley Regional Council regarding the unusual sound of dogs barking in the area. 
The council's veterinary service arrived to inspect the complaint only to find about 30 dogs being kept in substandard conditions.
The compound was raided in a joint operation that took place on Monday, with the combined efforts of the veterinary division of  the Hefer Valley Regional Council, as well as the Agriculture Ministry, rangers and the Border Police, who confiscated about 30 dogs, all of which were subsequently taken into veterinary care.
Most of the dogs were females of miniature breeds and were pregnant, most likely being kept there for breeding purposes, with the resulting puppies planned to be sold to the highest bidder.
The dogs were all found in dire physical condition, suffering from bruises as well as negligence. They were kept in terrible living conditions, as well as in small cages reeking of feces and urine.