Kim Kardashian West and Carolina Lemke talks to end contract early
The deal, which reportedly saw Kardashian paid $6 million, was overseen by Israeli supermodel and former Carolina Lemke shareholder, Bar Refaeli.
Israeli fashion brand Castro and Kim Kardashian West are in talks to end a two-year contract early, after the US star didn’t live up to the company’s expectations as a spokeswoman, Haaretz reported.The deal, which reportedly saw Kardashian paid $6 million, was overseen by Israeli supermodel and former Carolina Lemke shareholder, Bar Refaeli.Refaeli served as an intermediary responsible for overseeing the two-year contract penned between Kardashian and Carolina Lemke to lead its second-quarter 2019 launch in the US.Castro told media and the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange on Sunday that “The company’s Carolina Lemke Limited subsidiary and Mrs. Kim Kardashian West are exploring the option of adjusting the contract terms together with Kim Kardashian West and the company she controls, including the matter of the period Kim Kardashian West provides her services.”The deal between the fashion brand and US reality star was announced in September 2018 and gave West the option to take a 10% stake in Carolina Lemke USA in exchange for promoting her personally designed eyewear collection.The US launch however, was underwhelming due to poor marketing. Carolina Lemke was forced to bring back some 300,000 pairs of glasses to Israel, leaving Castro with a loss of millions of shekels.