Knesset Christian Allies honors Christian friends of Israel at gala event

“For generations the Bible taught us what’s right and what’s wrong, what’s good and what’s bad. Those values that we share with our Christian friends."

MK Yaakov Margi, KCAC director Josh Reinstein, Pastor Tiz Huch, Pastor Larry Huch, Keren Hayesod World Chairman Sam Grundwerg, Minister of Aliyah and Integration Yoav Gallant, MK Sharren Haskel, MK Orit Farkash Hacohen, Pastor Jobst Bittner (photo credit: AVI HAYUN)
MK Yaakov Margi, KCAC director Josh Reinstein, Pastor Tiz Huch, Pastor Larry Huch, Keren Hayesod World Chairman Sam Grundwerg, Minister of Aliyah and Integration Yoav Gallant, MK Sharren Haskel, MK Orit Farkash Hacohen, Pastor Jobst Bittner
(photo credit: AVI HAYUN)
The Knesset Christian Allies Caucus celebrated its 13th annual “Night to Honor our Christian Allies” Wednesday night with a celebratory dinner at the Waldorf Astoria in Jerusalem.
The caucus works to  build direct lines of communication, cooperation and coordination between the Knesset and Christian leaders around the world. 
The event, co-sponsored by Keren Hayesod, brought together members of Knesset and other leaders, including Major general (ret.) Yoav Gallant, Minister of Aliyah and Integration. It also paid tribute to two Christian leaders, Pastor Larry Huch, founder and senior pastor of New Beginnings Church and Larry Huch Ministries, and Jobst Bittner, founder of the March of Life movement.
Huch received the lifetime achievement award for his 40 years of support of the land and people of Israel, including building bomb shelters, providing financial assistance to Holocaust survivors, donating ambulances to Magen David Adom and more.
Bittner has arranged pro-Israel marches around the world, including bringing 6,000 people to Jerusalem in 2018 in honor of Israel’s 70th anniversary.
World Chairman of Keren Hayesod Sam Grundwerg described that “Pastor Huch is a true friend of Israel. He has greatly contributed to aliyah, absorption and all of Israeli society. Many new immigrants that have chosen to make their homes in Israel have benefited from Pastor Huch's support and kind heart. He is a true example for all of us of what it means to support and stand with Israel. We thank him greatly for his friendship.”
Josh Reinstein, KCAC director, described the honorees as “heroic leaders” who has “inspired like-minded Christians around the world to join their efforts and stand together with Israel.”
KCAC Chair MK Sharren Haskel also spoke at the event. She talked about the importance of close ties between Christians and Jews around their shared values.
“For generations the Bible taught us what’s right and what’s wrong, what’s good and what’s bad,” she said. “Those values that we share with our Christian friends are the same values that the modern world and democratic countries base their laws upon today.
“Those Shared values of liberty, freedom, equality and life are a message of freedom from Israel to the entire region and the entire world,” she said.

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Haskel praised President Donald Trump for his “Deal of the Century” peace plan and told attendees that the president’s “new vision that guides the White House is not taken by the people of Israel for granted.”