Man indicted for years of sexual abuse of his younger sister
Just before the suspect’s arrest, he convinced his sister to swallow medication in order to kill herself, telling her that way he wouldn’t go to prison.
By BEN HARTMANUpdated: FEBRUARY 1, 2016 05:20
A Tel Aviv court on Sunday indicted a man from the Central region for allegedly raping and beating his sister for more than 15 years, beginning when he was 12 years old and she was not yet in kindergarten.According to the indictment, just before the suspect’s arrest, he convinced his younger sister to swallow a medication to kill herself, telling her that way he wouldn’t go to prison.The indictment paints a disturbing picture of abuse that allegedly began in 1998, when the sister was only four years old, and the brother 12. Already at that young age the brother “used his authority over his sister and her psychological and emotional dependence on him” to force himself on her, the indictment reads.The sexual assault became more severe as the years went by, and in December of last year the brother allegedly anally raped his sister with a stick of some sort, causing her serious pain and injuries, and forcing the case to come to light.Suffering from pain and bleeding, she was treated by paramedics, who later reported to police that they suspected the young woman to be the victim of sexual assault.The indictment says the sister found out that police wanted to interview her and rushed to tell her brother, who then advised her to tell police her injuries were caused by local youths in the neighborhood.Afterwards, he told her to go home and swallow the pills, saying that “if you die or are sent to a mental hospital then they can’t put me in prison.”The brother – whose name is banned from publication in order to protect the privacy of his alleged victim – was charged with rape of a minor, incest, forcible rape, obstruction of justice, and reckless use of medication.On Sunday, prosecutor Rozi Kabaz asked that the suspect be kept in custody until the end of legal proceedings against him.“The defendant has proven with his actions that he is completely indifferent to the fate of his sister, if she lives or dies, and that if she lives, maybe she’ll be ruled insane and unfit to testify against him. The only thing he cared about was that he be spared,” said Kabaz.