MK Gaby Lasky submitted a complaint about incitement to murder to the Knesset officer in response to tweets from Sheffi Paz, an infamous advocate against asylum seekers, saying Lasky should be put in front of a firing squad. Paz's tweets were in response to a tweet from Lasky saying she asked Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid to open Israel up to receive refugees from Afghanistan following the Taliban's recent takeover.
השתלטות הטליבאן על אפגניסטן מעמידה מאות אלפי אפגנים בסכנה לזכויותיהם ולחייהם. פניתי לשר החוץ וראש הממשלה החליפי, יאיר לפיד, בבקשה לפתוח את שערי מדינת ישראל ולקלוט פליטים. זה יהיה המעשה האנושי וההומינטרי לעשות.
— Gaby Lasky | גבי לסקי | غابي لاسكي (@gaby_lasky) August 17, 2021
After Lasky called receiving refugees "the human, humanitarian thing to do," Pas responded to her tweet saying, "The most human and humanitarian thing that can be done is to put you and your friends in front of a firing squad."
Paz is a member of the "South Tel Aviv Liberation Front," known for its objection to illegal immigration from Africa to Israel and to the concentration of those migrants in south Tel Aviv neighborhoods.
"Whoever thinks that she can incite to murder against a member of Knesset or anyone else is wrong," said Lasky. "Paz's statements are dangerous and criminal. And so I went to the Knesset officer to pass my complaint to Israel Police. I hope that will this, her incitement will end."