Israel's Ambassador to India Daniel Carmon also recorded his own message in Hindi.The video was posted on Thursday to the embassy's Twitter page and reached Modi himself. He was moved by the Israeli gesture, and wrote a special thank you tweet that was published on his official handle. "Thank you very much," he wrote in Hindi as a reply.Watch Israelis welcome @narendramodi to Israel, in #Hindi! #ModiInIsrael #GrowingPartnership
— Israel in India (@IsraelinIndia) June 28, 2017
This is not the only personal interaction that Modi will have with Israelis, as he is expected to hold a very special meeting during his stay in the country. Modi is expected to meet "Baby Moshe," the 11-year-old survivor of the Mumbai Massacre that took place in 2008. The 26/11 attacks saw a group of 10 terrorists from the Pakistani Lashkar-e-Taiba Islamic militant organization carry out a series of 12 coordinated shooting and bombing attacks across Mumbai.One of the sites that came under attack was the Mumbai Chabad house. Six people died in the attack, including emissaries Rabbi Gabriel and Rivka Hotlzberg. Their then-toddler Moshe, who was two years old at the time, was rescued by his Indian babysitter who risked her life to save him.He has since moved to Israel, where he lives with his maternal grandparents. Almost a decade after the attack that claimed his parents' lives, the Indian prime minister will come face to face with the young survivor of this horrendous terror act. "Prime Minister Modi is expected to meet Moshe. I think it will be a very emotional meeting with a very strong message," Ambassador Carmon said of the upcoming meeting.Moshe's nanny Sandra who saved him from the attack was honored by the Israeli government with the title of 'Righteous Gentile' and she was also allowed to extend her stay in the country.Modi will land in Israel on July 4, where he will be received by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the Ben-Gurion Airport along with a "top protocol team" that will include 50 Israeli dignitaries and officials in a gesture that is usually reserved for visits of US presidents and the Pope, according to Ambassador Carmon. Israel his treating Modi's visit with "unprecedented importance," Carmon added. Netanyahu is expected to accompany Modi throughout most of his three-day visit, which the prime minister lauded as an "historic visit to Israel" on his own Twitter handle. Netanyahu announced the visit officially, writing: "Next week, the Indian Prime Minister, my friend, Narenda Modi will arrive in Israel."बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद।
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) June 29, 2017
In another tweet, the prime minister said that the visit was "a very significant step in strengthening relations between the two countries.""Ties between Israel & India are on a constant upswing," he added.PM Netanyahu: Next week, the Indian Prime Minister, my friend, @NarendraModi will arrive in Israel, This is an historic visit to Israel.
— PM of Israel (@IsraeliPM) June 25, 2017
The bilateral ties between New Delhi and Jerusalem as well as defense ties and deals concerning water and agriculture will all be discussed during Modi's visit.The cabinet on Sunday approved a series of measures aimed at strengthening ties between the two countries, include the increase by 25% of Israel's non-diamond related exports to India, which today stand at $1.38 billion, over the next four years.This is a very significant step in strengthening relations between the two countries. Ties between Israel & India are on a constant upswing.
— PM of Israel (@IsraeliPM) June 25, 2017