Nefesh B’Nefesh celebrates Olim with 'Aliyah Tovah' Event at Mini Israel

“These post-Aliyah events are a crucial part of what we do to continuously support our Olim, regardless of whether they made Aliyah 18 years ago or 18 days ago,” said Rabbi Yehoshua Fass.

 The “Aliyah Tovah” event provided families with the perfect opportunity to get out with their children during the last week of Summer. (photo credit: TOMER MALICHI)
The “Aliyah Tovah” event provided families with the perfect opportunity to get out with their children during the last week of Summer.
(photo credit: TOMER MALICHI)
Nefesh B’Nefesh hosted its first-ever  “Aliyah Tovah” event at Park Mini Israel this past Sunday, August 25. The event, which was open to all past Nefesh B’Nefesh Olim, attracted more than 2,200 people, and offered both new and veteran Nefesh B’Nefesh Olim the opportunity to explore Israel’s culture and history through the sites of Park Mini Israel and enjoy a variety of activities for all ages.  The “Aliyah Tovah” event, which celebrated the high number of Olim who made Aliyah this summer, was facilitated in cooperation with Israel’s Ministry of Aliyah & Integration, The Jewish Agency for Israel, Keren Kayemeth Le’Israel (KKL), and Jewish National Fund-USA.
“These post-Aliyah events are a crucial part of what we do to continuously support our Olim, regardless of whether they made Aliyah 18 years ago or 18 days ago,” said Rabbi Yehoshua Fass, Executive Director and Co-Founder of Nefesh B’Nefesh. “We design our post-Aliyah programming to promote integration into the Israeli social sphere and to help Olim expand and deepen their social ties with other Anglos so they can develop support networks within their communities.”
The “Aliyah Tovah” event provided families with the perfect opportunity to get out with their children during the last week of Summer, when few camps are still running and school has not yet begun. A similar end-of-summer event for young professionals, lone soldiers and b’not sherut will be taking place at the Tachana Rishona in Jerusalem on September 13th at 11:00am.