NIS 27 million in coronavirus grants to be transferred to new immigrants
liyah Minister Pnina Tamano Shata says grants designed to assist new immigrants during challenging times, says such assistance is of ‘paramount importance’
By JEREMY SHARONAliyah Minister Pnina Tamano-Shata(photo credit: HAIM TZACH)
NIS 27 million will be transferred to new immigrants who made aliyah in the last 12 months, as part of the government’s efforts to ease financial burdens on such people caused by the COVID-19 crisis.Some 7,000 new immigrants are expected to receive these grants.The funds are being distributed as part of the financial emergency program initiated by Aliyah and Integration Minister Pnina Tamano-Shata and will be received immediately and automatically, by bank transfer, to those eligible for them.The payments will be made in two installments, the first of which will be transferred before Rosh Hashanah, which starts Friday night, to assist with expenses for the festival.An individual will receive NIS 2,000, a couple will receive NIS 5,000, a family with one child will receive NIS 7,000, a family with two children will get NIS 7,500, and a family with two children will receive NIS 8,000.These payments come after the ministry provided an initial NIS 500 for new immigrants due to the pandemic in June, and after Tamano-Shata secured an extra NIS 1,500 in National Insurance payments to new immigrants.The minister has noted the rate of unemployment is higher for new immigrants than the general population, and said there is a pressing need to ensure their economic security.The NIS 27m. is part of a broader NIS 80m. budget, drawn up by the Aliyah Ministry and approved by the government last month, for encouraging aliyah and assisting immigrant integration.Along with the grants, NIS 42m. was budgeted for immediate employment programs to finance retraining and vocational training for immigrants, promoting the employment of immigrants with university degrees through incentives for employers to hire immigrants, loans and consultation for entrepreneurs and small businesses, study grants and other programs.“It is a great merit for me to help the community of immigrants and make things easier for them in the midst of this economic crisis,” said Tamano-Shata. “My task is to take care of new immigrants coming to the country, specially in their first year. My ministry will continue with our strong efforts to look out for the welfare of all immigrants in Israel, especially immigrants who chose to realize their Zionist dreams during this challenging time of the coronavirus.”
The minister said the immigrants are “the first to be hit by the coronavirus crisis,” and that the grants provided to them are designed to assist them during the current national predicament.“The Aliyah and Integration Ministry stands alongside immigrants at both exciting and difficult times. I consider it of paramount importance to provide maximum assistance to immigrants during normal times, and all the more so in times of crisis and emergency.”