Palestinian attacks condemned by foreign parliamentarians
Petition was organized by the Israel Allies Foundation, which has Israel Allies Caucuses in 31 countries.
At a time when there are anti-Israel petitions being signed by international politicians, parliament members from around the world joined together this week in signing a petition condemning Palestinian terrorist attacks.“We, the undersigned, strongly condemn the recent spate of terrorist attacks carried out by Palestinians in Jerusalem,” the MPs wrote.“We call upon our governments and the international community to hold accountable those responsible for inciting these attacks,” the petition continued.“The specific targeting of innocent men, women and children is deplorable and violates all codes of human conduct.We give our full support to the rights of all people to live in peace and to enjoy the right to pray peaceably wherever they may be in Jerusalem.”The petition was organized by the Israel Allies Foundation, which has Israel Allies Caucuses in 31 countries.Israel Allies Foundation US director E.J. Kimball spearheaded the effort.“As a wave of terror has descended upon the residents of Jerusalem, it is imperative that the world speak out against these atrocities and those that incite such horrific attacks,” Kimball said.“While anti-Semitism is rearing its ugly head around the world, we need strong voices of support for Israel’s right to live in peace, especially in its capital of Jerusalem.”Some of the parliament members who signed on to the petition come from countries that have recently condemned Israeli policies, such as South Africa and Sweden, and parliaments that have recognized a Palestinian state, such as Sweden and Spain.
“We once again see that faith-based diplomacy is producing unprecedented support for Israel from elected officials in governments around the world,” said Knesset Christian Allies Caucus director Josh Reinstein.“People who read their Bibles realize that Jerusalem was, is and will remain the undivided capital of the Jewish state.”