Yair Netanyahu compares Israel's judicial reform protests to Nazi Germany

Yair Netanyahu has been particularly critical of the judicial reform protests that have swept Israel in the last few months.

Yair Netanyahu, son of former Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrives for a court hearing in the defamation lawsuit filed by former MK Stav Shafir in Tel Aviv, on November 29, 2022.  (photo credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI/FLASH90)
Yair Netanyahu, son of former Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrives for a court hearing in the defamation lawsuit filed by former MK Stav Shafir in Tel Aviv, on November 29, 2022.
(photo credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI/FLASH90)

"The process that the Left is undergoing in Israel - they are comparing us to fascists and to Nazis and to 1930s Germany- is [extremely] reminiscent of [1930s] Germany," said Yair Netanyahu in a Friday radio interview with Caroline Glick.

The prime minister's son made the comment on a talk show on the right-wing Gali Yisrael station, drawing a comparison between Nazi Germany and the recent protests against Israel's judicial reform.

"What was there in 1930s Germany?" said Netanyahu. "Thugs for hire did [acts of] political terror in the streets - not murder, by the way. They did not kill anyone. Political terror [was incited] via intimidation, violence and disruption of public order... They created chaos and then they brought their party into power non-democratically."

"[The Left] does not understand how ridiculous they [sound]," Yair Netanyahu continued, before comparing Israel's left-wing protest movement to the paramilitary wings of the Nazi party in Germany and its counterpart fascist party in Italy.

 LISTEN TO the voice of the people. Pictured: Protesting judicial reform. (credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI/FLASH90)
LISTEN TO the voice of the people. Pictured: Protesting judicial reform. (credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI/FLASH90)

"They are the ones that are shouting for dictatorship," he said. "They are the ones that are marching Israel toward fascism. They are the ones that are adopting the same methods as the 'Blackshirts' in Italy and the...[Sturmabteilung] in Germany."

Yair Netanyahu's online presence 

Netanyahu has historically been outspoken in support of his father in all forms of news media as well as social media. He has been particularly critical of the judicial reform protests that have swept Israel in the last few months.

"They aren't protesters. They aren't anarchists either. They are terrorists," he wrote of protesters in early March. "A violent underground has arisen here (financed by criminals and evil billionaires. This is domestic terrorism. Even if it takes time, eventually they will be prosecuted for all their crimes."

"The European-enlightened leftists completed their transformation and became twins with their Palestinian barbarian brothers," he wrote. "Today, a right-wing person entering Tel Aviv is like a Jew wearing a kippah entering Ramallah. Luckily, this time it didn't end with a lynch."