'IDF pushing Hamas into a corner': MK Kreuzer slams deal that would 'endanger' Israel

MK Kreuzer on hostage negotiations: 'Hamas [still] remains firm on demand for IDF withdrawal'.

Yitzhak Kreuzer

Otzma Yehudit MK Yitzhak Kreuzer discussed Israel's hostage negotiations with Hamas in a recent interview on 103FM.

Kreuzer began by stating, "It is true that the State of Israel has been conducting a policy of negotiations with the terrorist organization in recent years. Today, we see that Hamas has not budged even a millimeter from our first demand. All the top Hamas officials say that they will not budge from their demand for the withdrawal of the IDF from Gaza."

Kreuzer also stressed, "We see that military pressure is pushing Hamas into a corner. We say very clearly that there should not be another governmental body that will take care of the security of the citizens of Israel. The IDF should initiate the encouragement of immigration of the Gazans from the territory." 

The IDF must remain present in Gaza

"When the Shin Bet voluntarily released the Shifa Hospital director, Hamas realized that they are sovereign... they are the ones who distribute the food, water, and fuel. When you hear leaders here like Lapid and Gantz say the IDF should leave Gaza, Hamas understands that it has a chance to be the independent leader again," Kreuzer added.

To conclude, Kreuzer said: "We will discuss the deal when it becomes relevant. We will discuss whether it is a deal in which we will see the hostages return or if it is a deal that will endanger the citizens of the country and could bring about the next October 7. Our red lines are drawn by Ben-Gvir and Netanyahu. A deal in which the IDF announces its surrender and withdraws from the Gaza Strip is unacceptable."