lobby to be named “the caucus for creating policies for bearing firearms in Israel.”
The National Rifle Association is a force to be reckoned with in Congress, and now Israel has its own gun lobby in the Knesset.Likud MK Amir Ohana will formally launch a caucus Monday that will push to protect the rights of Israelis to bear arms.The lobby will be called “the caucus for creating policies for bearing firearms in Israel.”“Personal security is a matter of partnership between the state and its citizens,” Ohana said. “More must be done to ease the process for obtaining permits for firearms.”MKs, the heads of pro-gun organizations and experts on legislation about the right to bear arms are expected to attend the launch of the caucus.A spokesman for Ohana said the caucus would push for policies on bearing arms that fit the security situation.“The current criteria for obtaining a permit for a gun license are very strict,” Ohana said. “The caucus will examine whether, due to security threats facing Israel, the time has come to update the criteria.”