New Bennett shaming campaign aims to build Netanyahu coalition

The campaign is funded by Australian mining magnate Rabbi Joseph Gutnick, whose "Netanyahu is good for the Jews" campaign helped him win the 1996 election.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (left) and Australian mining magnate Rabbi Joseph Gutnick (right) (photo credit: EZRA LANDAU)
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (left) and Australian mining magnate Rabbi Joseph Gutnick (right)
(photo credit: EZRA LANDAU)
A new public campaign shaming Yamina leader Naftali Bennett began on Tuesday, in an effort to pressure him to join a government with Likud.
The campaign, under the banner “Bennett forming a government with the Left is shameful” is funded by Australian mining magnate Rabbi Joseph Gutnick, whose “Netanyahu is good for the Jews” campaign helped him win the 1996 election.
Gutnick said he did not embark on the current campaign at the request of Netanyahu or anyone else in Likud but to protect the Land of Israel. He has been in touch with leading political figures and tried multiple efforts to encourage a right-wing government’s formation behind the scenes before initiating the campaign.
“It is painful and hurts me to attack Bennett personally – It is very unfortunate,” Gutnick told The Jerusalem Post from Australia. “But the Land of Israel comes before individual personalities and ambitions. I tried all other routes and warned them. They left me with no choice.”
Gutnick said Bennett is the key to the formation of a right-wing government, in part because he could bring along New Hope leader Gideon Sa’ar and give a right-wing government a majority in the Knesset.
“Any other result will be Bennett’s fault,” he said. “Sa’ar will have to follow him. Sa’ar will not want to be the catalyst alone for a left-wing government. He is a staunch Rightist and loyal to the Land of Israel and the Jewish state.”
Gutnick, who has been one of Netanyahu’s most vocal supporters and closest personal friends internationally for decades, said the time has come for him to leave office.
“Bibi should be allowed to bow out gracefully at his choice,” Gutnick said. “He has done a tremendous amount for the Land of Israel. In the end, hopefully, he will do the right thing and allow the formation of a strong right-wing government.”