Republican Party launches 2020 election campaign in Israel

Approaching the 2020 US general elections, set to take place on November 3, the Republican Party hopes to reach out to as many American citizens in Israel as possible.

Republicans Overseas Israel Chairman Marc Zell.
The Republican Party has launched its election campaign in Israel, aimed at increasing voter turnout among the hundreds of thousands of American citizens living in Israel.
Approaching the 2020 US general elections, planned to take place on November 3, the Republican Party hopes to reach out to as many American citizens in Israel as possible and convince them to cast their votes for the US President Donald Trump and the the party's Senate and House of Representatives candidates.
The slogan that was chosen for the campaign - "Thank you, President Trump" - will be used both in Hebrew and in English, with the basic message being an appeal to American-Israelis who support the efforts of the Trump Administration and its achievements vis-à-vis Israel and the Middle East.
The Hebrew version of the slogan is slightly different, as "to thank" in Hebrew also means "to admit." It translates as both "Thank you, Trump" and "You must admit - Trump." It's meant to appeal to the mostly dominant right-wing American-Israelis with double meaning: Thanking Trump and admitting that he is the right choice for the State of Israel.
The campaign will focus on Trump's major accomplishments in regard to Israel and the Middle East, including moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem, the recognition of Israeli sovereignty in the Golan Heights, exiting the nuclear agreement with Iran, Trump's peace plan and, most recently, mediating the normalization deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates.
The person who was chosen to lead the campaign is Ariel Sander, who has worked in politics for 20 years, including his time as director-general of the Tourism Ministry.
For the logistical management of the campaign, the Republican Party will allocate resources for establishing a base of volunteers, operators, producing signs, informational booths and more, all in an effort to convince American-Israelis to support "the most pro-Israeli president to ever be elected to the White House," according to a statement by Republicans Overseas Israel.
Republicans Overseas Israel Chairman, Marc Zell, said that “at a time when US-Israeli relations are closer than ever before, with massive achievements for the State of Israel and the Jewish People, we must show our gratitude and thank President Trump and the Republican Party for their strong support for the State of Israel and the remarkable successes they have made possible during the President’s first term in office."